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Security Forces Intensify Patrols to Protect Papua’s Integrity from KST Threats


The security and stability conditions in Papua are the main focus in various academic studies and public debates. Media exposure about armed conflict has created complexity that influences political and development dynamics in Papua.
In an effort to ensure the security and stability of Papua, Indonesian security forces routinely carry out Sambang Patrols. This action has a vital role in maximizing regional security from various threats that may lurk.
Sambang Patrol is an effective strategy in maintaining the security of an area. In Papua, the existence of various threats such as separatism, cross-border crime, and socio-political tensions demands fast and appropriate action from the security forces. Sambang Patrol allows security forces to actively monitor current conditions in the field, interact with local communities, and respond to potential threats quickly and efficiently.
The Sambang Patrol aims to prevent and overcome potential separatist activities that could threaten state sovereignty in Papua. With a regular and proactive presence in the region, security forces can identify and respond early to any attempts to disrupt national stability and integrity. Apart from that, security forces can also respond quickly to Public Security and Order (Kamtibmas) problems in Papua. This includes taking action against crimes such as illegal trafficking, drug abuse, and other criminal acts that can damage people’s social life.
Apart from that, Papua as a border region has its own challenges related to national security. Sambang Patrol allows security forces to monitor illegal movements at the border, prevent the entry of illegal goods, and monitor potential cross-border threats.
Recently, Cartenz 2024 Peace Operation Task Force personnel continued to increase Sambang Patrol activities around the Kiwirok District, Bintang Mountains, Papua Mountains. This step is a concrete effort to strengthen security in the Papua region from the threat of the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST). This patrol was led by Dansector, Iptu Muhammad Kasim Lating, with direction from Ipda Nikodemus Wospakrik before starting the operation.
Realizing the importance of maintaining security in the Kiwirok Sector area, especially considering the entry and exit routes frequently crossed by KST, Cartenz 2024 Peace Operation Action Task Force personnel are determined to provide maximum protection to the local community. In this context, the Head of Operation Peace Ops Cartenz-2024, Police Commissioner Faizal Ramadhani, stated that sambang patrols are a very important anticipatory step considering the increasing intensity of security disturbances in Papua, especially from disruptive groups.
Police Commissioner Faizal Ramadhani also emphasized that this operation was an integral part of the government’s efforts to maintain regional integrity and peace, as well as protect the community from the KST threat. In this case, the Head of the Cartenz-2024 Peace Ops Public Relations Task Force, AKBP Bayu Suseno, highlighted the importance of the Task Force’s presence in maintaining security stability in Papua.
AKBP Bayu Suseno emphasized that the patrol was not just a manifestation of the presence of security forces, but also a form of the Task Force’s commitment to maintaining security and order in the area. He added that the government continues to take proactive steps to keep Papua safe and peaceful for its citizens.
The enthusiasm of the people of Kiwirok District for the presence of personnel from the Cartenz-2024 Peace Operation Task Force is also an indication that the efforts of the security forces are being positively appreciated by the local community. They welcomed the presence of security forces from the Central Sulawesi Mobile Brigade and expressed their gratitude for their efforts in providing a sense of security to all residents of the Kiwirok District.
Apart from routine operations and patrols, the government has paid a lot of attention to problems in Papua by formulating special policies to accelerate development and increase welfare. As a province in Indonesia, Papua has experienced significant development in various sectors, including infrastructure, health services, education and the economy. These steps aim to improve the welfare of the Papuan population and strengthen regional integration into the unified state.
The central government also delegates its authority to the Papuan Regional Government to empower the socio-cultural and economic potential of the Papuan people, including providing an adequate role for the Papuan people through representatives of customs, religion and women. This role is realized through participation in formulating regional policies, determining development strategies while still respecting the equality and diversity of Papuan people’s lives, as well as preserving local culture and preserving Papua’s natural environment.

The government’s commitment and attention in Papua is proof that Papua is an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, the issue of separatism should not occur. No party has the right to separate Papua from Indonesia. Through sustainable development in Papua, it is the key to ensuring sovereignty and prosperity for all Indonesian people.
The various activities carried out in Papua are part of a joint effort to maintain security and order in Papua, and emphasize that Papua is an integral part of Indonesia which must be protected with all our strength. Steps like this not only strengthen the physical security of the region, but also build trust and comfort for local people in living their daily lives.

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