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Support Investigation of FPI Fund Flow


By: Muhammad Yasin) *

After the FPI account was frozen, every incoming and outgoing fund was monitored by the Police, Densus 88, and PPATK. When a search was carried out, it was found out the flow of money from terrorist organization funders. This further proves that FPI is a terrorist organization and spreads radicalism.

FPI was born in Indonesia after the fall of the New Order. At the time of the change of president, they only appeared as mass organizations that were holding fast to their mission, to create a caliphate in Indonesia. These ideals have certainly deviated from Indonesian ideology, so that this mass organization was declared banned in the Republic of Indonesia. When it’s forbidden, the account is automatically frozen.

When the accounts of FPI and its affiliates are blocked and outgoing and incoming transactions are seen, new facts are found. Tazneen Sailar, a foreigner, has transferred some funds to this account. In fact, he is the founder of an international humanitarian funding organization that supports terrorists.

Islah Bahrawi, Executive Director of the Indonesian Moderate Network, considers FPI to play a role as a channel for funds for terrorist and radical groups in Indonesia. The flow of funds must be digital, it will be transferred to the FPI account, then given to terrorist and radical groups. In that sense, FPI is already affiliated with terrorists and it is natural that the government would disband it.

This finding is a bright spot, because it proves that there is a figure behind an organization like FPI. They are not mass organizations that take profit from their members, but can hold various activities ranging from lectures to sweeping . So that the real funders will be seen, when the FPI account is frozen and the outflow of transfers will be traced.

When the transferor is discovered, he can be asked about his motive, why he transferred a sufficiently large amount of money to FPI. Why should FPI? Not another organization in Indonesia. It would be very strange if he transferred only to FPI, while the mass organization was not a humanitarian organization.

Moreover, FPI has been known as an extreme right organization with ambitions to create a caliphate in Indonesia. If there is an inflow of funds, then the fear is that they will be used for the purpose of deviating. Even though FPI disbanded, former members and top officials could use the money. So it is natural when the account is frozen too.

Former FPI senior Munarman also could not argue that the mass organization’s account transferred to foreign accounts, because it was for charity matters. It could be that the transfer was made to Tazneen Sailar or someone else, as a thank you. He also cannot protest when his personal account is also frozen, because he is an affiliate of FPI.

If the FPI account is not frozen, it will be very dangerous. There will be an outflow and entry into these accounts, and smooth the flow of funds from abroad. As a result, terrorism will be more prevalent in Indonesia. Do we want to have a fate like Syria or other countries that are plagued by terrorism? Of course the answer is no, right?

Therefore, former FPI officials may not protest when the accounts of FPI and its affiliates are frozen. Because it is a procedure that must be adhered to. The government is not favoritism or is only eyeing FPI. However, acts of terrorism must be completely cleared and one way is to freeze the FPI’s account, which is the channel for terrorism funds.

Investigations on the flow of FPI funds are still being carried out. The process took quite a long time, because there were many accounts of FPI and its affiliates that were frozen, and had to be traced one by one. When there is the fact that FPI receives money from terrorist organization funders, it is proven that they are a terrorist hotbed.

) * The author is a citizen living in Pekanbaru

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