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The 2023 ASEAN Summit is a Momentum to Encourage Tourism in Labuan Bajo


Labuan Bajo — The ASEAN Summit in 2023, which will be held in Indonesia, is a golden moment to be able to contribute to increasing tourism in the Labuan Bajo region.

Director of BPO Labuan Bajo Flores, Shana Fatina said the 42nd ASEAN Summit was able to have a positive impact by increasing tourist arrivals in Indonesia.

“We hope to have a positive impact, especially for Tourism in East Nusa Tenggara. As well as increasing the number of tourists coming to Indonesia,” he said.

In fact, to make the ASEAN Summit successful, his party has also prepared three locations, namely in Tana Mori, Meruorah and Ayana.

“These three locations are the venue for the main meetings,” he added.

Not only that, BPO Labuan Bajo has also prepared accommodation, transportation, electricity to telecommunication signals.

All of these things are being pursued in order to support the comfort of the ASEAN Summit delegates. So all preparations have indeed been optimized.

“We optimize the preparation,” said Shana.

Then, to anticipate the large number of tourists arriving and so as not to complicate traffic, Shana has also coordinated with various other parties such as the TNI and Polri to carry out traffic engineering.

“This traffic engineering is not to make it difficult for the public and tourists who come,” he said.

Various kinds of arrangements have also been made in Labuan Bajo for the successful holding of the 2023 ASEAN Summit.

Shana Fatina explained that the arrangement was carried out starting in terms of infrastructure, developing a tourism ecosystem to complement the Komodo National Park icon.

“The readiness of tourist sites including the readiness of tourism business actors is also prepared to be trained to serve state leaders, as well as guests who are present at the activity,” he said.

Improvements are continuing to be made in the Labuan Bajo area, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), where this area is included in the Super Priority Destination group.

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has also completed the construction of a new road in Labuan Bajo leading to Golo Mori in West Maggarai Regency, NTT.

Regarding the construction of the new road, President Jokowi admitted that this was for the sake of developing the Labuan Bajo Super Priority Tourism Destination (DPDP).

Of course, with the development of infrastructure, the development in that area will be even better.

“So that the area between Labuan Bajo and Golo Mori can later develop properly and the development of Labuan Bajo will be increasingly supported by the road facilities that we are building,” said President Jokowi.

On the same occasion, the Director General of Highways, Hedy Rahadian revealed that the development of access in Labuan Bajo to Golo Mori prioritizes the principles of quality, aesthetics and environmental sustainability.

Therefore, the roads that are built are made to feel comfortable, safe and cool.

Hedy appealed to the public to continue to maintain order and comfort by not setting up stalls on the side of the road carelessly.

So we hope that the community will take care and not create what we call side barriers, too many stalls on the side of the road, and even become slums. That is very important to maintain the selling power of tourism in Labuan Bajo,” he said.

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