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The Community Has a Central Role in Realizing Peaceful Regional Elections


The 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) is an important moment in democracy which is both a right and an obligation for every citizen. Pilkada provides an opportunity for the people to elect regional leaders. Therefore, the implementation of regional elections must proceed peacefully, honestly and fairly so that the goals of democracy can be achieved.

Maintaining peace in regional elections is the responsibility of all elements of society. Collaboration between the government, regional election organizers, political parties and civil society is very necessary to realize peaceful regional elections. Each party must play an active role in creating a conducive and orderly regional election atmosphere.

The government’s role is very important in ensuring security and order during the regional elections. Pilkada organizers must carry out their duties with integrity, ensuring an honest and fair Pilkada process. Political parties are expected to run campaigns in a dignified manner and avoid fraudulent acts. On the other hand, civil society needs to actively monitor the running of the regional elections and prevent all forms of violations.

However, the community plays a very central role in creating peaceful regional elections. Every citizen must use their right to vote wisely and not be easily influenced by provocations that can divide the nation. Public awareness of participating in regional elections is the foundation for ensuring the democratic process runs well and produces leaders who are truly representative.

Acting (Pj) Regent of Seruyan Central Kalimantan, Djainuddin Noor said that the 2024 Pilkada must take place with joy. Djainuddin invited all elements of society to create a peaceful and harmonious election atmosphere. Djainuddin Noor also emphasized the importance of community participation in maintaining order and peace during the Pilkada process.

Peaceful regional elections are the main capital for building a clean and quality democracy. Transparent and fair democracy will bring prosperity and prosperity to all people. To make this happen, the public must be active in maintaining peace during the Pilkada by not easily believing hoax news and hate speech, which can damage national unity and unity.

Apart from that, people must respect each other’s differences in political views. Respecting differences in choices is part of democracy that must be upheld. Responding to differences in choices in a democratic party, hundreds of netizens from 39 regencies/cities in East Java have held a declaration for a peaceful regional election at Selecta Batu Malang on Thursday, May 30 2024. The declaration was held at a meeting of the East Java Netizens who missed each other. facilitated by the Public Relations Division (Bidhumas) of the East Java Regional Police.

In this declaration, hundreds of netizens pledged that their commitment to uphold Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution would be maintained by East Java Netizens. An agreement was also made not to spread fake news (hoaxes) and to respect differences of opinion. East Java netizens invite other netizens to participate in the peaceful 2024 regional elections.

Apart from that, netizens are also willing to maintain Kamtibmas (security and public order) in order to create conducive conditions in East Java. Batu Netizen Coordinator, Drs. Ah. Gufran stated that the Declaration for the 2024 Peaceful Regional Elections in East Java was clear evidence of the commitment of East Java netizens in maintaining conducive conditions.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the East Java Regional Police, Commissioner Pol Dirmanto, appreciated the contribution of East Java Netizens in maintaining conducive conditions in East Java. The wise attitude of East Java Netizens in using social media has played a role in maintaining security and peace in East Java. Dirmanto hopes that East Java netizens can continue to contribute in building synergy and calming the atmosphere ahead of the 2024 regional elections, by avoiding black campaigns and creating a cooling system.

Community support for efforts to maintain security and order during the regional elections is also very important. If there is a violation, the public must report it to the authorities so that it can be followed up immediately and does not trigger another conflict, so that Public Security and Order during the 2024 Pilkada is maintained.

Apart from maintaining security and social order, the importance of carrying out regional elections peacefully without spreading hoaxes and hate speech is a moral call and shared responsibility that must also be carried out by all levels of society.

In today’s dynamic digital era, the challenge of ensuring that regional elections take place peacefully and with integrity is increasingly complex. Information spread through various online platforms can easily be used to spread hoaxes and incite hate speech, threatening the integrity of democracy and social stability.

Therefore, joint efforts to maintain digital public spaces free from hoaxes and hate speech are a very important need in maintaining the health of our country’s democracy.

The Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi, firmly stated his commitment to safeguarding the digital space in supporting the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections. This action reflects the main role carried out by the Ministry of Communication and Information in mobilizing active participation from various sectors of society, especially the younger generation, to create an atmosphere Peaceful and responsible regional elections.

With synergy from all elements of society, it is hoped that the 2024 Pilkada can take place peacefully, honestly and fairly. Peaceful regional elections reflect a vibrant and healthy democracy in Indonesia, as well as a shared commitment to building the nation through a quality democratic process.

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