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The Important Role of the Young Generation in Making the 2024 Regional Election a Success


By: Andini Putri )*

The younger generation has a vital role in determining the direction of Indonesia’s future, including in the context of the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada). With the increasing number of young voters registered, expectations for active and constructive participation from the younger generation are increasingly higher.

Young generation participation in the democratic process can be realized through involvement in campaign activities, becoming election volunteers, or participating in civil society organizations that monitor the running of the regional elections. This involvement not only increases transparency and accountability, but also provides valuable experience in a healthy democracy.

The 2024 regional elections are an important milestone in Indonesia’s democratic process, where the role of youth is very essential. Kasubdit III Ditintelkam Polda Bali, AKBP Gede Dartiyasa, emphasized that the dynamics of regional elections are often influenced by identity politics, but with dialogue, especially ahead of the general election, the role of youth in creating peaceful and cool regional elections can be conveyed. This is because young people have a big responsibility to participate in educating society and maintaining conduciveness during the upcoming 2024 regional elections.

The young generation is the main key in determining the direction of the nation and state. Young people with such great voting rights must be the main barometer in monitoring and implementing clean and peaceful regional elections. This group is not just a voter, but a driver of change who is able to monitor and ensure that election integrity is maintained.

In seminars held by the Branch Leadership Council (DPC) of the Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI) Tanah Datar and political education by the Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) and the General Election Commission (KPU) in Kulon Progo, it was clearly seen the importance of the role of the young generation in the democratic process This.

The Regent of Tanah Datar, Eka Putra, in a seminar organized by GMNI, emphasized that the success of the regional elections is not just the responsibility of one institution, but is the collective responsibility of the entire community, including the younger generation. Eka emphasized that this kind of activity could open up the younger generation’s insight in facing the regional elections. For this reason, Regent Eka Putra invited young people to make a real contribution to the nation’s progress in the future. This message underscores the importance of an active role and political awareness among youth.

In this context, the young generation is expected to not only act as voters, but also as agents of change who bring new spirit and innovation to the democratic process. Chairman of the GMNI Tanah Datar DPC, Wahyu Hidayat, added that through discussion and active participation, youth can be truly prepared to face the Pilkada situation. This is the first step for GMNI to contribute to the success of the democratic party in 2024.

However, the role of the younger generation does not stop at active participation. Young people must also be wise in receiving information, especially in the digital era which is full of fast and often unverified information. The younger generation is considered to have broad access to information via the internet and social media. With this ability, young people can become intelligent and critical voters. Information regarding the vision and mission of regional head candidates can be accessed and analyzed easily.

The Head of the Kulon Progo Ministry of Religion, Wahib Jamil, reminded the younger generation to be careful in accepting political issues and avoid identity politics that could divide. He appealed to all elements of the nation as much as possible to avoid issues related to identity politics by linking them to various religious issues. This statement also emphasizes the importance of maintaining harmony and peace in society, as a responsibility that is also carried out by the younger generation.

Data shows that 13 percent of the total Permanent Voter List (DPT) for the 2024 Pilkada in Kulon Progo Regency are first-time voters. Therefore, the Head of the Kulon Progo KPU’s Socialization, Voter Education, Community Participation and Human Resources (HR) Division, Aris Zurkhasanah, emphasized that the younger generation must be able to become agents of change and participate in promoting political literacy among generation Z and millennials. Moreover, technological advances provide wide access for the younger generation to receive various political information, so they must be used wisely to ensure that society is not influenced by misleading information.

The role of the young generation in the 2024 Pilkada is as intelligent and wise voters, as well as agents of change who actively campaign for the importance of participation in the democratic process. The younger generation must also be able to evaluate information critically, maintain harmony and peace in society, and contribute constructively at every stage of the regional elections. In this way, it can be ensured that the 2024 regional elections will be successful and will be able to bring positive changes to Indonesia’s future.

The 2024 regional elections are a test and a great opportunity for Indonesia’s young generation to show their important role in democracy. With their enthusiasm, creativity and abilities, the young generation can make the regional elections a success and ensure that the democratic process runs well and produces quality regional leaders. Therefore, it is very important for all parties, including the government, educational institutions and civil society organizations, to encourage and support the active participation of the younger generation in the 2024 Pilkada.

)* The author is a political observer

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