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The March 1 demonstration has the potential to disrupt security after the 2024 election


By: Naomi Leah Christine *)

The existence of provocation in the form of spreading fake news or hoax issues and even calls to hold demonstrations and demonstrations on Friday 1 March 2024 is clearly very dangerous because it can disrupt the nation’s security after the 2024 General Election.

It cannot be denied that behind the many rallies or demonstrations that are carried out, they usually end in chaos and are colored by elements of anarchism by some irresponsible parties.

In fact, many parties, including the security forces themselves, continue to appeal and remind the entire community not to be easily provoked by provocations, especially using issues whose truth is still unclear or fake news and hoaxes.

Psychologist Anastasia Satriyo revealed that usually in large crowds, especially when they are carrying out rallies or demonstrations, they tend to experience de-individualization. This situation makes it easier for people to lose their individual identity and they start to move as a group and easily get carried away.

Because they are experiencing this de-individualization process, they no longer see themselves as individuals, but only see themselves as a collective group, emotions will be more easily triggered so that the atmosphere can quickly heat up.

In line with this, Political Psychologist, Dewi Haroen also believes that in a crowded crowd, it is very easy for the situation to get out of control. Moreover, if it turns out that within the group there are still parties who are not mentally ready and there are provocations that are deliberately spread for the benefit of the particular group or group that is behind it.

Former Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Hendropriyono, revealed that there are several issues that will seriously disrupt security after the 2024 General Election. Usually the most important thing is the emergence of various misguided opinions which are deliberately spread on many social media to provoke the public.

When society has been heated by the many hoaxes and provocation issues, it will be much easier to mobilize a number of people so that they will also attend rallies or demonstrations.

On the other hand, the security forces continue to strive to maintain the conduciveness of this country through various efforts. Including, what was done by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Hadi Tjahjanto who visited the Muhammadiyah Central Management (PP) to discuss the condition of this nation after the 2024 Election.

Indonesia has just implemented a celebration of democracy and political contestation, therefore, all parties hope that conducive conditions can continue to be maintained until the official announcement of the next President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Because maintaining a safe and conducive situation is a matter of pride for this nation and also shows the world that Indonesia is indeed a country that has upheld the principles of democracy in a mature manner. It’s not enough to stop there, but all security forces in various regions are also moving quickly to continue to increase their vigilance in keeping this nation conducive.

This was demonstrated by the Malang Police (Polres) who increased their patrols after the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) so that the community would always maintain security and order.

These routine patrol activities continue to be intensified after the election because they are part of the security forces’ efforts to ensure security and public order (kamtibmas) can run well by involving the joint ranks of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri).

The Head of the Malang Police Public Relations Sub-Subsipenmas, Ipda Dicka Ermantara, revealed that they will continue to deal with any potential disturbances after the election, including demonstrations and demonstrations which are very vulnerable to being ridiculed and have the potential to disrupt the election vote recapitulation process. He also appealed to the entire community if they find anything suspicious, to report it to officers so that action can be taken quickly in order to further minimize riots among residents.

By maintaining security and order in society after the election, it actually also has a very good impact on supporting the running of the state system which has been intensified by the government, including being able to support efforts to accelerate development so far.

Therefore, the entire community is advised not to be easily provoked by hoax news or rumors and to be able to fight back if provocation occurs which actually leads to detrimental things because it will later harm the democratic system itself.

Provocations in the March 1 2024 demonstration will clearly only disrupt security and order in society (kamtibmas). Rather than having to continue dwelling on such matters, the public should now be able to discuss how to safeguard the existing government well, including fully supporting the next government so that good programs can be continued for the benefit of this nation.

*) Analyst at the Nesia Core Media Institute

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