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W20: Momentum to Create Investment and the Role of Women in Papua


West Papua was chosen as the Side Host Event for Women of Twenty (W20).

The location of the event in West Papua also aims to promote the charm of natural beauty and show that the land of Papua is a safe and peaceful area.

This promotion will of course have an impact on improving the economy of the Papuan people. Through W20, Papua has the opportunity to show the world that Papua is worth a visit.

Responding to this, Adib Hermawan, S.Sos. M.Han, Secretary of Pokja Papua-Makara Strategic Insight/Awarde UNHAN Schoolership stated that the W20 event was an opportunity to prove to the international world that Papua is a province rich in culture.

“It can be an opportunity to prove to the international world that Papua is the main destination for world tourists. Several cultures, such as Papuan dances and songs, introduce indigenous Papuan and Papuan souvenirs, and open opportunities to promote Papuan local commodities in the international market.” Said Adib Hermawan, S.Sos. M.Han in an online interview (14/03/2022).

Adib also said that the W20 Side Event was attended by female figures from abroad.

“In this W20 Side Event, attended by speakers who are also female figures from abroad. They will share their experiences to become successful women, so that they can be an inspiration for Papuan women to further increase their enthusiasm and fighting power to continue get better and want to keep learning.” he said.

Adib said that this forum could be an opportunity to gain insight into how important it is to take advantage of advances in information technology to improve welfare.

“This is the next step, after efforts to introduce Papua Province to the international world, this forum can also provide valuable experience to encourage Papuan women to be more active in mastering digitalization. For example, Papuan women farmers use technology to sell Papuan produce.” said Adib.

Furthermore, she also explained that the speakers who are female leaders from various countries in this forum will open insight for Papuan women about their rights related to access to health which is their right.

“Surely this forum is a great opportunity for the progress of Papua Province. Once again, I see this as a big breakthrough for the development and progress of Papua.” added Adib.

Meanwhile, Ayu Adriana Putri, S. Stp, M.A., as a Senior Analyst at the Jakarta Investment Center revealed that W20 as a side event of the G20 in Manokwari is very meaningful for women.

“With the G20 side event that will be held in Manokwari, it will certainly make a significant contribution for women. Especially the fighters for equality and also our female fighters in Manokwari, West Papua,” said Ayu.

He also hopes that this activity can increase the interest and awareness of all Indonesian women.

“This side event is very influential, especially in terms of education, although we know that education is not evenly distributed in Indonesia, but with this activity initiated by the central government, we certainly hope that this activity can increase the interest and awareness of all Indonesian women,” he added.

He also said that the W20 side event had been well prepared by the local government.

“In addition, for side events that will be held in several cities, of course, they have certain themes, but for Manokwari itself some of these activities have been carefully prepared by the local government,” concluded Ayu.

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