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Entering 2020, the world is shaken by the corona virus outbreak which is spreading very rapidly throughout the world. This has prompted the Indonesian government to make efforts and adopt policies on handling the corona virus. One of the initial actions taken by President Joko Widodo at the time was to order the Indonesian embassy in China to pay special attention to isolated Indonesian citizens in Wuhan.

In addition to the central level, local governments have also taken an alert step by alerting 100 hospitals. Preparedness was also carried out at 135 international airports and ports by installing body temperature detectors. On January 28, 2020, the Head of the Health Crisis Center of the Ministry of Health, Budi Sylvana, explained about the issuance of special preparedness guidelines for the new coronavirus. These guidelines are made to adopt those made by the WHO Health Organization. This is what is used as a reference for health workers for handling in case of transmission.

Preventive measures are being carried out by tight supervision of the routes of entry to Indonesia from other countries including airports, ports and land border crossings. Early detection as a form of surveillance was carried out especially for 19 areas that have direct access to China, namely Jakarta, Padang, Tarakan, Bandung, Jambi, Palembang, Denpasar, Surabaya, Batam and Manado. Meanwhile, Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health, Anung Sugihantono, explained that there is no specific new corona antiviral therapy yet. However, to prevent complications, therapy is given according to the symptoms that appear. Regarding medical personnel, Anung explained the importance of wearing complete protection when handling suspected and virus-infected patients.

Basically, corona is a disaster that cannot be avoided by all citizens of the world. Its existence threatens the safety and survival of the community, so it needs to be followed up. The government has proven that they have been fast in responding to the spread of corona, but this is meaningless if the community does not cooperate with the government to tackle this virus. Therefore, let’s help the government to deal with corona, so that the corona virus quickly disappears from Indonesia.

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