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PPKM Micro Effectively Presses Covid-19 Cases


By: Raavi Ramadhan) *

The micro PPKM will be extended until March 22, 2021. This extension is carried out because since the first phase of the PPKM, cases of corona transmission have decreased. The community is expected to be orderly and obey all regulations during PPKM, and still adhere to health protocols.

It didn’t feel like the pandemic had passed for a year. Within 12 months, people’s lives changed drastically, as the children studied at home and the majority of their parents worked from home. PSBB was enforced and mobility was restricted. Currently, the term PSBB is replaced with the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) and community movements are still restricted.

Since the beginning of 2021 the micro PPKM was implemented and starting on March 9, it will be extended again until March 21, 2021. Why should it be extended? Because this program is proven to reduce corona cases in Indonesia. Widyastuti, Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Service stated that the positivity rate of the corona has decreased, from 18% in February to only 11.8% in March.

Meanwhile, the recovery rate also increased, namely 310,412 people and the percentage of recovery was 94%. This proves the efficacy of micro PPKM in suppressing corona transmission . So that when it is extended, it is hoped that the number of Covid patients will continue to decrease.

When the micro PPKM was implemented, there were indeed several changes in regulations in the community. The children still go to school from home, but their parents are still allowed to work at home as much as 50% of the work day allowance. In addition, cafes, restaurants and other public places must close at 8pm. When boarding an airplane, passengers must have a swab test and the certificate is only valid for 2 days.

Why are there still restrictions on mobility, even though it’s been a pandemic one year? Due to the fact, there are still many corona patients in Indonesia. In addition, the covid-19 virus can spread more quickly when the movement of people increases. Especially when there are people who live in areas with red zones , they can transmit the corona to residents in other areas without knowing it.

The increase in the number of corona patients can be seen when there is mass mobility, for example after a long weekend After the long holiday in February 2021, the occupancy of the isolation room at the Wisma Atlet emergency hospital increased from 35% to 52%. Therefore, restriction of mobility will be encouraged again, so that the number of Covid patients decreases.

Doctor Wiku Adisasmito stated that indeed the micro PPKM can suppress the covid case , but it depends on the behavior of the community. In that sense, when there is already a ban on traveling outside the city during PPKM, do n’t even violate it. Because if you come home from a long trip and then you get corona , the one who loses is yourself.

Likewise, family and friends who have had contact with patients. They must be tested for a swab in order to know whether they have contracted the corona or not. Don’t let our recklessness become a danger to others. Especially if you have small children. Don’t just think about having a holiday, then take a walk away and forget that it’s still PPKM.

In addition, during PPKM, we were still obliged to adhere to health protocols . Never forget to wear a mask and bring a spare one when you leave the house. Because masks can only be worn for a maximum of 4 hours. Be diligent in washing your hands and carrying a hand sanitizer , and always keep a distance of at least 2 meters. Also maintain body immunity and environmental hygiene .

The micro PPKM was extended until March 22, 2021 because it was effective in reducing corona cases in Indonesia by up to 7%, from February to March. However, PPKM’s supernatural powers must be accompanied by community behavior to continue orderly in obeying the regulations and remaining disciplined in implementing health protocols.

) * Author of Muslim Millennial Contributors United

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