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Post-Eid Al-Fitr Follow Health Protocols to Prevent Second Wave


By: Anwar Sanusi ( Bogor Regency Citizen )

The impact of the Corona Virus mutation is getting worse, so people are asked to increase awareness. Do not neglect in the slightest in adhering to health protocols, take care of immunity as well as hygiene . Because this virus mutation is much more dangerous and is transmitted with a faster process.

The celebration of Eid Al-Fitr in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic must be carried out with a strict Prokes so as not to cause bad effects. This was done without reducing the essence of Eid al-Fitr and also in line with religious guidelines and government policies which are currently focused on anticipating the post-Lebaran Covid-19 wave.

This concern was reasoned after seeing religious celebrations in India which later led to the Covid-19 tsunami which overwhelmed the Indian government to cope with it.

Epidemology, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FKKM) Gajah Mada University, Dr. Riris Andono said that high vigilance should be able to minimize the spread of the virus.

President Jokowi also appealed to local governments to continue to remind the public to remain disciplined in carrying out health protocols and continue to have high vigilance and alertness, including complying with the ban on going home.

The reason behind the implementation of the policy of banning homecoming this year is due to the increasing number of infections and deaths after the long Christmas and New Year holidays.

The percentage of the increase in cases in each long holiday from 37-93 percent and the percentage increase in deaths reached 6-75 percent. Therefore, the government adopted a policy of prohibiting homecoming from May 6, 2021 to May 17, 2021 in order to prevent similar incidents. Nothing else, this policy is for the sake of protecting the safety of the entire community.

The head of the Covid-19 Task Force, Doni Monardo, said that a number of other provinces had seen a downward trend in Covid-19 cases . In addition, Doni also said that every long holiday was always followed by an increase in positive cases and deaths, especially during the Lebaran holidays last year. According to him, the trend of decreasing cases is the best trend this year, so people are expected to comply with the health protocol policies in each region.

Maintain hygiene , immunity, wear a mask, and always remember to wash your hands. Hopefully all of us are free from the threat of the Corona Virus, especially the potential for a second wave of Covid-19 spread.

The government certainly cannot cope with this pandemic alone without cooperation with the community. The government has provided leeway for activities by complying with health protocols and it is hoped that this will continue so that the increase in Covid 19 cases does not increase again.

The level of vigilance of the community must not fade and the community’s discipline in adhering to health protocols greatly influences the trend of decreasing cases. Stay enthusiastic and never give up in the face of this pandemic. Through strong togetherness, Indonesia will definitely be free from the pandemic.

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