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Interaction With Mother Languages, Help Traumatic Recovery of Cianjur Earthquake Survivors at BIN Post


Cianjur – The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) has confirmed that the mental condition of the Cianjur earthquake survivors, especially the children at the BIN Humane Command Post, is recovering. BIN will continue the trauma healing program for survivors of the Cianjur earthquake by involving the participation of the local community, with the hope that children can quickly adapt through their mother tongue.

The Coordinator of the Cianjur Regency PAUD Volunteers, Wiwi, said that the psychological recovery program for earthquake survivors needed to be considered. BIN has provided the space for these facilities properly and professionally, especially by cooperating with a number of psychological facilitators around the Cianjur earthquake area.

“Earthquake survivors, especially children, sometimes don’t get adequate attention. Parents were confused by the earthquake so that children tended to be neglected, even though parents were figures they trusted. So that the use of mother tongue can be an entry point,” said Wiwi.

The use of the mother tongue helps children to be more in-depth about themselves, their position in the social environment, as well as to feel more empowered and confident.

“The interaction in trauma healing uses Sundanese, but does not let go of the use of Indonesian,” said Wiwi

In addition to the role of extension workers, effective communication in the family environment is another factor that influences the acceleration of the development of children’s joy. The large interaction space is also able to help children release their emotions or trauma by running and running.

The BIN Humanitarian Post has a proportional open space, so that people, especially children, still get the opportunity to do activities outside the room. These conditions can help the recovery of children’s mental health more quickly.

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