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The use of plastic bags will be replaced with Bakul

A craftsman makes decorative Bakul (Wicker baskets), it is intended to support government programs left the plastic when bringing the goods.
A craftsman makes decorative Bakul (Wicker baskets), it is intended to support government programs left the plastic when bringing the goods.

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Coincide with the national day of garbage, Banjar Regency Government staged the competition ornamental Bakul (wicker basket). It aims to be one of the campaigns to switch the using Wicker baskets and replace plastic bags.

Government programs that plan to leave plastic bags as a tool carrying goods valued positively by Banjar Regency Government with campaign the using Bakul made of Wicker to replace plastic bags.

Vice Regent Banjar, Mansyur Saidi said that Banjar government support the government programs that limit the use of plastic bags and had to prepare the agenda of environmental care programme. The agenda began with Declaration of Banjar free of garbage and reduction of plastic bag usage and the use of plastic bag unpaid.

The declaration also followed by Community representatives which pronounce the declarations i.e. Green Teens (teen school green Army representative adiwiyata), and the forum of the school concerned and cultured environment.

Then, it also followed by representatives of the Pioneer Care Environment (yellow forces), undur PD Pasar (market traders’representative martapura) and a number of businessmen in the County.

“The Declaration as a form of support for the Government’s program of reducing the use of plastic bags in trial on 17 cities in Indonesia, “he said.


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