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Wrong Perspective about the Security Forces in Papua

Shot tragedy in Papua
Shot tragedy in Papua

By: Izhwar Riyadi *)

Papua, CIDISS – More recently, shootings and attacks on civilians occurred again in Papua. The shooting incident and attacking against four workers who were building the Trans Papua between the Peak District of District Ilaga towards Mulia, Puncak Jaya district occurred on March 15, 2016, precisely in Engengeng Village, Sinak District, the Peak District, Papua.

Learning of these events, we should be able to assess that the central government has actually been paying attention to the welfare of the people of Papua, through the development of road infrastructure. However, it turns out there are a number of specific people or groups who do not want that development. And, there is also some parties that seemed to corner the government on condition that often occurs in Papua.

Response Commissioner of the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) Natalius related to the way to solve te hproblems in Papua, for example. He said, “The first, solving the problems of human rights that occurred in the past by means of validating, settlement completely. Second, the President should change its approach to development in Papua so minimize penetration of the military (TNI), Police in Papua. The third is to improve the welfare of the Papuan people. The fourth, last, the core of all that can only be resolved through dialogue with dignity.”

If the government is required to improve the welfare of the people of Papua, it is clear that it has been done by President Joko Widodo. However, if it is stated that the central government is still using the penetration of the security apparatus, this can be disputed because in the attacking event the local security authorities did not provide assistance to workers who shot them. This was stated by Indonesian Chief Police General Badroedin Haiti, “Supposedly there is no police, there is indeed the risk is quite high. Should workers there asked for the security of the military or police, just look at yesterday, I asked their Chief Constable Resort, there is no (security in that area).”

From the facts description above can see that there is still a wrong perspective to government in responding the problem in Papua. The actually condition happening is there is a person or an entity who want Papua to impress unsafe. This condition has forced the government to provide security by increasing the number of security forces in Papua. However, this is rated as penetration by government security forces against Papuans that is actually not government mean.

The security forces moved to Papua was not intended for the people of Papua who pro-development because of the governments may not prevent people to support the project. Instead, the security forces was intended for those who want to create the impression of insecurity and hinder the well-being of citizens in Papua. So, do not be afraid if the security forces in Papua to grow, we may to be concerned if they do not exist in Papua. Then the criminal armed groups will be free to inflict terror for Papuans. Therefore, it is fitting if we support the efforts of the central government in conducting development for the advancement and welfare of Papua. [IR]

*) CIDISS Contributor

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