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Professional Group Committed to Contributing to IKN Development


Jakarta – The Indonesian Capital City (IKN) has experienced significant development progress because it has received support and assistance from various professional groups. One of them is the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII). PII is considered to have not only provided physical development support for the Indonesian Capital City (IKN), but also non-physically.

“PII provides support for the development of the IKN, not only physical development, but also non-physical. PII has a role in managing land and water resource conservation,” said the Head of the IKN Authority, Basuki Hadimuljono.

Basuki said there are many supports that PII can provide in the development of the IKN. Such as building roads in several areas of the IKN region.

“The one with the name clay shale, the soil condition needs to get special treatment to be stronger, and for water resource conservation. We built 60 reservoirs,” said Basuki.

Basuki said that for IKN there are two timelines. The first is preparing the ecosystem in 2025 which is planned with the gradual transfer of ASN.

“The offices must be ready this December, the Coordinating Ministry office consists of 16 towers, the occupancy of 47 towers is ready. Then restaurants, cafes, laundry, barber shops, we have prepared everything there (IKN),” he said.

Meanwhile, the General Chairperson of PII 2021-2024, Danis Hidayat Sumadilaga said that engineers currently have a number of contributions such as infrastructure, water resources, energy, transportation, telecommunications, to the development of the IKN, which has involved various engineering disciplines. In this new government, the role of engineers is greatly needed to realize Asta Cita.

“Specifically self-sufficiency in food, energy, water, green economy, blue economy, infrastructure development, strengthening human resource development, downstreaming and industrialization to increase domestic added value. Increasing added value, utility, results to realize environmentally friendly sustainable development, and most importantly in carrying out these tasks must be based on professionalism, integrity, ethics, justice, harmony, benefits, sustainability, and sustainability,” said Danis.

On the other hand, the Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, said that the main mission of engineers should be to place technology in favor of empowerment and improving community welfare. As a form of social service, engineers can also play a role in efforts to improve technological development that is based on local potential and wisdom.

Sri Sultan also said that when talking about developing technology based on local wisdom, at least we must understand the basic context of culture, namely creativity, feeling, and will, to create works.

“The philosophy of creation, feeling, and intention is a noble heritage that permeates human life. The three are also known as Tridaya or the three main powers in every human being which include the mind, heart, and determination. These three elements are not stand-alone entities, but rather a unity that gives life to each other,” explained Sri Sultan. [*]

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