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Pro & Contra toward Modern Market in Muara Teweh, Local seller worry they will be Bankrupt


Maps of Barito Utara (in the red line).By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Modern market start appear in the province of Central Kalimantan. As in the plan, the modern market, such Alfamart will have new branch in Barito Utara regency, Central Kalimantan province. It makes pro and contra opinion from Barito Utara citizen.

The contra (disagree) perspective consider to impact of the modern market to small/local seller. In other side, the pro (agree) perspective assumes that it show the economic sector in this regency is quite good.

Moreover, they think that, other region such in Palangka Raya has many local sellers which sell their goods next to modern market. And then, pro side make conclusion that the existence of modern market might not make local seller be bankrupt.

“I support if Barito Utara government through related party give legal permit for modern market in Barito Utara,” said a citizen of Barito Utara.

Head of market management biro, Trading and Industry board Barito Utara, Adi Hariadi assumes that if modern market (Alfamart) invest in Muara Teweh (town in Barito Utara regency), the negative effect is clearly will impact to local seller whom sell goods around the modern market. It also, there will be competing between to local mini market in this regency.

He said by this investment, it indicates the economic sector in Barito Utara will grow and effect to attract investor investing in this region. Besides that, it will also add the source income from the legal permit and tax.

Another effect, modern market will make new job vacancy with the regional standard salary. He added, there are many mini markets that are not pay their employment according to regional standard salary. But, they have requirement, the modern market should far distance from traditional market, he said.

“In my opinion, if we forbid this modern market, it will effect to another investment. We as Barito Utara citizen need to be “welcome” to investor,” said him as in Antara.


Pro-Kontra Pasar Modern di Muara Teweh, Pedagang Lokal Khawatir Gulung Tikar


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