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Letter permit for Palm Oil is about 341 Units by the total 4.08 million hectare in 2016

Palm oil

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – One of source income in Central Kalimantan province is from agriculture sector and plantation. Palm oil is one of it. The number of palm oil area in Central Kalimantan year 2016 is about 4.08 million hectare. The data is said by head of board of plantation Central Kalimantan, Rawing Rambang in meeting Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI), as in Antarakalteng.

Rawing said that letter permit for palm oil in 2016 is about 341 units with large of area 4.08 million hectare. From the permit, 179 with 1.8 million hectare have operational and there are 1.382 million hectare has been planted.

“Moreover, 162 others units have not operational yet and with large area around 2 million hectare. This is new data for 2016 that owned by Plantation board,” said him.

If observe from perspective plasma plantation or cooperation with people, from 179 letter, it’s only 83 corporation do the cooperation and they have not 100% yet agree with regulation or regional regulation.

If observe from perspective clear and clear or has non-forest area, from 91 units, there are 46 corporations has plasma or corporation with people.

Rawing also remind entire corporations in order make a plasma or cooperation with people. “Making plasma actually help the corporation in anticipate if there are problem. Because, people is feel helped by the corporation existence. So, we require to entire corporation to implement plasma or corporation with people,” said him.

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