RAP 1123 posts 0 comments
By: Abner Wanggai ) *
The government is building Papua so that the region can progress in economic and other terms. Development in the land of paradise is not only in!-->!-->!-->…
Community Supports the BPIP Bill
By: Dhika Permadi ) *
Pancasila is a single, final ideology . The community was looking forward to the legal umbrella of planting idelologi Pancasila ideology as the!-->!-->!-->…
Prevent Radicalism with Nationalism
By: Zakaria) *
Understand radical is the idea of a dangerous virus , s ehingga this requires serious attention in order not to spread to the!-->!-->!-->…
Positive Impact of the National Economic Recovery Program
By: Ahmad Bustomi) *
The national economic recovery program (PEN) created by the government is a surefire solution to help the community. They get business capital assistance,!-->!-->!-->…
Work Draft Bill on Solutions to Overcome Covid-19 Impacts
By: Abdul Muhfid ) *
Omnibus Law The Work Cipta Bill that will be formalized is a breath of fresh air for the business world. A number of regulations have been!-->!-->!-->…
Enthusiastic Community Participates in Clinical Trial of Covid-19 Vaccine
By: Rahma Khairunisa ) *
Covid-19 vaccine coming from China will be tested in Indonesia. The community is very enthusiastic about being a vaccine volunteer, even!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of Radicalism among Young People
By: Muhammad Gibran) *
Radicals want to increase their influence in Indonesia, by recruiting young people. They exploit cyberspace and create radical content. Young people!-->!-->!-->…
Eid al-Adha celebrations must obey the health protocol
By: Edi Jatmiko ) *
The co-19 pandemic is not over yet, in some areas there is still a trend of increasing cases so that health protocols are required to be implemented!-->!-->!-->…
Wary Workplace Being Cluster New Covid-19
By: Irfan Lazuardi) *
Reopening the office area brought bad news. Some employees suffer from Corona after they work again in the office. This!-->!-->!-->…
Government Accelerates Stimulus for Micro Enterprises Amid Covid-19 Pandemic
By: Raditya Putu Pandet ) *
The co-19 pandemic hit almost all fields, especially economics. Especially MSME entrepreneurs, they are increasingly sad!-->!-->!-->…