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AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Vaccine is Safe and Halal
By: Rahmat Sholeh ) *
BPOM and MUI have recommended the use of the Sinovac and AstraZeneca vaccines for the mass vaccination program . The community also!-->!-->!-->…
Supporting the Success of PON XX 2021 in Papua During the Covid-19 Pandemic
By: Anwar Ibrahim ( Citizen of Depok City)
The highest appreciation should be given to President Joko Widodo who has officially designated Papua Province as the host of the XX National!-->!-->!-->…
Optimizing Literacy to Avoid Disinformation and Hoaxes Regarding Vaccinations
By: Putu Prawira ) *
Hoaxes and infodemics surrounding the handling of Covid-19 are threats that cannot be underestimated because they can hinder the!-->!-->!-->…
HMI Needs Strong Leadership
The HMI XXXI Congress in Surabaya is currently underway and is approaching its final round. HMI will soon have a new General Chair for the period 2021-2023. 26 candidates for chairman are!-->…
Government Immediately Vaccinate the General Public
By : Deka Prawira ) *
An independent vaccination program is likely to be on the way . This was revealed after the BUMN Minister stated that there would likely be 3.5 million!-->!-->!-->…
Mutually Support the Success of PON XX for the Resilience of the Indonesian Nation in the Middle of…
By: Sarah Azhari ( Citizen of Bogor City)
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has determined that the implementation of the XX National Sports Week (PON)!-->!-->!-->…
PON XX Papua Scent Indonesia
By: Abner Wanggai ) *
The National Sports Week is a sports event awaited by regional athletes to compete and increase self-esteem through achievement. Therefore, this event!-->!-->!-->…
By: Emon Kamindra ) *
The government's efforts in dealing with Covid-19 through the policy of Enforcing Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) actually still encounter!-->!-->!-->…
Appreciate the Success of Infrastructure Development in Papua
By: Moses Waker ) *
Currently Papua is no longer synonymous with backward regions, because the government has built a lot of infrastructure. With the trans Papua road!-->!-->!-->…
The Community Supports the Sustainability of Papua’s Special Autonomy
By: Timothy Gobay ) *
The government has signaled the extension of the Papua Special Autonomy which will soon end. The plan!-->!-->!-->…