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Beware of Covid-19 Transmission Still High


By: Made Raditya )*

The number of corona patients in Indonesia is increasing. Citizens must be increasingly vigilant and always remember to adhere to health protocols. Don’t just say there is no PSBB then just ignore it and refuse to wear a mask. Don’t get sick because of this carelessness. We certainly don’t want to be the next Covid-19 patient.

Indonesia set a record with a total number of Covid-19 patients of more than 100,000 people. This is a sad fact, because the government is trying hard to contain the pandemic. However, the work of the government must of course be supported by the community. We must be orderly to always comply with health protocols and be aware of the new corona cluster.

There are several new corona clusters in Indonesia. An example is in a cottage in East Java. There was a lecturer who coughed and turned out to be positive for Covid-19. Of course it is very dangerous, because it can be transmitted to the students. Moreover, they live in dormitories which are very prone to transmitting the Covid-19 virus to one another. Learning at school should be postponed.

Schools can be the new corona cluster, because students cluster together during recess and sit side by side in class. Especially if they are still in grade 1 SD or Kindergarten, small children are prone to corona. They also prefer to play together rather than alone. So the decision to keep schools closed is very appropriate, in order to prevent transmission of corona.

Another place that is prone to becoming a new corona cluster is the market. The market reopening made buyers and traders alike happy. Indeed, the economy must be started again. But there, of course, everyone must be orderly and obey health protocols. Not only buyers who wear masks, but also traders, even parking attendants are also obliged.

Don’t let the market become a corona cluster like what happened in Kramat Jati Main Market and Kelender Perumnas Market, Jakarta. If there is already a Covid-19 case, the market must be temporarily closed so that disinfectant spraying can be carried out. Traders can lose money because they cannot sell for days. So, everyone must be orderly and alert.

Health protocols such as mandatory use of masks and diligent hand washing have always been echoed by the government via the Covid-19 task force team. Either through television shows, social media, and SMS. All these warnings are certainly carried out for mutual safety. Because now the corona can be transmitted through the air, so you have to wear a mask when you are outside.

Never underestimate corona and lose alertness, then lazy to wear a mask. There are even those who reject the existence of the Covid-19 virus and say that it is only a conspiracy theory. The soaring number of corona patients is evidence. Don’t let the public be exposed to hoaxes about Covid-19 that are spread by irresponsible buzzers.

Precautions to avoid corona clusters and always adhere to health protocols are actually very easy to do. The price of masks is also getting cheaper, so there is no reason not to wear them. Be patient and put it off for a few months if you want to hold an event that will make a crowd, for example a thanksgiving or social gathering.

If you have lost your vigilance and have already caught corona, you will be miserable because of dizziness and shortness of breath. Even the lungs can become flooded with blood. Not yet the maintenance costs that reach hundreds of millions, if you don’t have a BPJS card. Isn’t it better to prevent by adhering to health protocols than to treat a malignant corona?

Stay vigilant in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and always adhere to health protocols. Also remind friends and family to always wear a mask and wash your hands diligently. If everyone is orderly, then there are no new corona patients, those who are sick will recover quickly, and this pandemic could quickly pass.

)* The author is active in the Cikini Press and Student Circle

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