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BLC, RI’s New Weapons to Face Covid


By: Zakaria) *

The government together with all elements of the community continue to work hand in hand to deal with Covid-19. This time, the Government launched a system to find out the dynamic development of Covid-19, called Unite Against Covid-19 (BLC).

BLC became the government’s new weapon in handling the Covid-19 case. This system is a navigation system that makes it easy for the government to make quick decisions when it comes to the development of Covid-19.

Through the integrated and information system, the government asserted that now it has concrete data before issuing policies. The data will be used as a government weapon in the fight against Covid-19. With this system, the public can easily find out the zoning development of Covid-19 in their respective regions.

Covid-19 is not an ordinary virus. He has broken all lines or sectors of national life . Therefore, to be able to fight it must be carried out by all Indonesian people , but also the entire community.

Government efforts to stop the spread of epidemics should be appreciated , including through the BLS. This system is believed to be part of early detection so that the Government can quickly make decisions when changes occur in the spread of this virus. For example, when a virus in an area in the red zone changes to a green zone, the government immediately takes a new decision or vice versa.

More clearly, when there are people who are stated positive, or in surveillance and so on can be known through navigation. So that the data in the City, Regency, and Province can be known by means of navigating the area into what zone.

As stated by the Indonesian President, Joko Widodo, about several ways for Indonesia to be free from the threat of Covid-19 without having to undo the intention of running New Normal. Menur utnya, with the navigation system is able to know how many districts, provinces, and cities can be known how many were infected, and the transfer zone can be known easily.

This good news can support the New Normal era running with max . Therefore, the people of Indonesia do not need to worry anymore, because the situation in Indonesia can improve now. It’s just that this needs full support from the community in order to be able to reduce the positive number to decrease.

By running the government, taking policies in every situation, improving the entire sector slowly, will make the condition of Indonesia better. Support New Normal by complying with all safety directives and implementing health protocols.

Through this navi gasi, it can be seen that there are many indicators whether an area is in a safe zone or even in red. However, to use these tools, more effectively observed every two weeks. The reason is, if seen in a day, the indicator shows zone changes that are still difficult to predict.

These observations, can be used as an evaluation by the government that handles this. There will be the best effort, when you already know what is happening in the area.

When the myological epide indicator shows the numbers red to yellow, from yellow to green, a very good decrease occurs. But the public needs to know, to show more optimal data, the use of navigation needs to be given a distance of 2 weeks.

So that the community still needs to be vigilant and may not leave the house when there is no need, in order to reduce the positive number of people who are infected.

The existence of such navigation has become the benchmark for the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. With this data, a region can implement new policies to support the existence of New Normal.

Thus, the Indonesian people do not need to feel heavy with New Normal which has a good aim to improve all sectors. But the act of maintaining health when implementing New Normal is a form of caring and supporting the end of the Covid-19 Pandemic Period.

) * The author is a citizen , living in Bogor

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