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Community Appreciates PSBM Instructions


By: Ahmad Fandi )*

President Joko Widodo instructed to implement Micro-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBM) because they were considered more effective than strict Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). The public also appreciated the PSBM policy because it was relatively proven to be able to control Covid-19.

Micro-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBM) implemented in several regions in West Java Province have reaped positive results. PSBM is encouraged by controlling population mobility in certain smaller areas, such as sub-districts or sub-districts that are a source of covid-19 transmission.

Currently, several regions have implemented Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) covering one district or city.

With the success of PSBM, other surrounding areas that are still in the same district or city, or in the same province, do not have to carry out PSBB, considering that the handling of problems must be done at the point of transmission.

On the other hand, the public is still waiting for the certainty that the affordable Covid-19 swab price will be set by the government. Meanwhile, the price range circulating among the public is between Rp. 439,000 and Rp. 797,000.

Wiku Adisasmito, spokesperson for the covid-19 task force, said the price of the swab was still being reviewed by the government. Because we want to make sure that the price of the swab is really affordable for the people who need it.

The government must also ensure that the swab test administrators vary and match the costs incurred. Of course, it doesn’t take away from the advantages of the swab test.

Meanwhile, to treat patients without symptoms / OTG, the government is preparing two and three star hotels, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) with PHRI, as well as the local government.

Previously, Indonesian President Joko Widodo had talked about local-based interventions that the provincial and city regency governments need to do in implementing restriction policies.

This was conveyed by Jokowi when giving a briefing at a limited meeting (RATAS) with a topic of discussion on the Report of the Committee on Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery at the Merdeka Palace, Presidential Palace Complex.

The locally-based intervention that Jokowi refers to is micro-scale social restrictions (PSBM), for example at the RT, RW, office or Islamic boarding school level which are considered more effective in suppressing transmission rates.

On a different occasion, the Governor of West Java and Chairman of the Task Force for the Acceleration of West Java Covid-19 Handling Ridwan Kamil said that the implementation of the PSBM in West Java has proven effective in reducing the number of Covid-19 cases spreading.

“ One example is the handling of clusters of state educational institutions in Bandung City last July through PSBM in local villages.

In addition, Ridwan Kamil also explained that his party was studying the success of a complete recovery in the Covid-19 case at the state educational institution so that they could recommend the same handling method for active cases that were still in West Java.

Emil explained, when there was a covid-19 case in Secapa, what was closed was not one city of Bandung, but only one urban village where Secapa was located. Alhamdulillah, currently 100 percent of these officers are cured and now it has become an example of how to treat 100 percent of patients in West Java.

He also explained that about 70% of the spread of corona virus cases in West Java occurred in the Bogor, Depok, Bekasi areas or areas bordering DKI Jakarta Province.

The former Mayor of Bandung also emphasized the importance of seeing the Covid-19 pandemic through human and scientific perspectives to prioritize the value of helping, tolerance, mutual understanding and praying for each other.

He also asked the central government to be able to shape the regions in increasing the Covid-19 test ratio, especially for West Java province which has a population of nearly 50 million people.

On a different occasion, the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa considered that PSBM was more appropriate to be implemented. Bearing in mind, East Java already has tough villages as small units of society, which currently number 2,605 villages.

He gave an example that PSBM has been carried out in Magetan, including in the Temboro Islamic Boarding School area. In that area, PSBM is carried out strictly by locking the door to the entrance and exit of the village, massive testing and total quarantine for 14 days.

Khofifah also reminded each region to pay attention to zoning in their respective areas and develop zoning risks on a sub-district and village scale.

The effectiveness of the PSBM certainly deserves appreciation, this is because PSBM is considered effective in reducing the spread or transmission of the corona virus.

)* The author is a citizen living in Bandung

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