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Government Involves the Public in Preparing Derivative Regulations on Job Creation Law


By: Deka Prawira) *

The application of the Job Creation Law in the future will be regulated through Presidential Regulations and Government Regulations. The public can read the draft Perpres and PPs through the official government website. It can even discuss and provide input on the design.

The Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law currently has a special website. There, the public can read the draft presidential regulation which is a follow-up to the law. This transparency deserves our appreciation because it proves that the government is not in a hurry in making laws or other regulations.

In addition, the community can also provide suggestions and input in the making of Perpres and PPs. According to the Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy Soesiwijono Mugiarso, there are 40 presidential and PP regulations, but on the website only 25-26 are listed. The government invites the public to make suggestions because they want to absorb their aspirations.

Soesiwiono continued, the public was allowed to read the Perpres and provide input because the regulation would be binding on the people. Permission to make proposals is also not just a lip service, but the government does want to involve the public. The goal is to improve Indonesia’s economic situation in the future.

The public is allowed to provide input for 1 month, although originally it took 3 months after the law was enacted, to make a Perpres and PP. The period of 1 month is quite short, but after that of course all suggestions from the community need to be discussed first and sorted out which ones are good and which are just destructive criticism.

Granting permission to read the draft presidential regulations and Government Regulations, as well as making suggestions before this regulation is formalized is a new breakthrough. Because the government wants democracy to be truly enforced in Indonesia. We don’t live in an authoritarian country, and every suggestion from society is very valuable.

If the voice of the people is heard by the president and other high officials, then they feel very appreciated. Because it shows that the state is willing to accept input from the public, no matter how small. The president is not someone who is arrogant and likes to impose his opinion, but rather pays attention to his people and respects their voices.

The government’s way of asking for input from the community is very effective. First, they will be more familiar with Perpres and PPs, which are listed on the site. That way, when it is inaugurated, it will be in accordance with the will of the people because it is being discussed with input from all levels of society. So it is certain that there will be no demonstrations against it.

Second, the public will feel the government’s attention, because they are allowed to discuss discussions. Later, when the PP and Perpres are inaugurated, everyone will implement them without complaining. Because he felt that he had given suggestions to the draft Perpres and PP. Didn’t they make it themselves, even if part of it?

Third, transparency in formulating PP and prepres drafts shows that the government has never covered up the process of making a regulation. There is no such thing as a law or other regulation that is made hastily and suddenly, because it must be in accordance with procedures. Even the public can monitor it via the government Youtube channel.

With the permission to provide input, the public may express their wishes. For example, they suggest that the application of the Job Creation Law is in accordance with the article, so there is no difference between what is on paper and what is in the field. The community also suggested that violators of the Perpres and PP be punished accordingly.

The existence of the Job Creation Law website allows the public to provide input to the government. So they can convey their aspirations through legal and formal means. Of course, with polite and not barbaric language. The government will be happy to read the input and consider it, before promulgating the Perpres and PPs.

) * The author is active in the Cikini Press and Student Circle

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