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Habib Rizieq’s Lecture Is Full of Hatred and Breaks Health Protocol


By: Zakaria) *

Habib Rizieq’s controversial lecture received criticism from the public. The former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court also felt uneasy about the lecture which was too harsh and incited hatred. Even dared to challenge the government. Whereas religious lectures should provide coolness in society, not provoke them.

Habib Rizieq returns to action after returning to his homeland, November 10, 2020. He lectures in his distinctive style: using harsh words and full of provocation. Strangely, at that time none of the congregation reminded him. In fact, figures who claim to be holy should not pollute the stage of the maulid commemoration event with lectures that use brutal diction.

Jimly Asshidiqie, former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, also responded to Habib Rizieq Shihab’s lecture. According to Jimly, the lecture by the head of the mass organization was full of hatred. Also controversial and challenging. Even though he is the leader of a mass organization. As a leader, he should reconcile, justify, prosper, and safeguard freedom.

However, it is a shame that Habib Rizieq failed to reconcile because it actually started to ignite hostility towards the government. He always considered the government to be wrongdoing and was busy provoking the congregation to hate him too. Unfortunately, when Habib Rizieq used his popularity to influence the negative, not the positive.

Jimmly added, as if the mass organization did not care about state regulations. Apart from always criticizing the government, there are also suspicions that it is a resistance movement. In the sense that it leads to politics. It is a pity when there are religious lectures being diverted towards a certain goal like this and so deviating from expectations.

Jimly’s statement was proven when Habib Rizieq blatantly violated health protocol by organizing an event that attracted the masses. The wedding party of his daughter, Najwa, was united with the maulid commemoration and invited 10,000 people. Even though during this pandemic, it is very dangerous because it can create a new corona cluster.

Evidence from this cluster is the Head of Petamburan Village who, after attending Najwa’s wedding, was claimed to be positive for corona, through an accurate swab test. Only 1 person has been detected, what about the rest? Unfortunately, they have listened to provocative lectures and have been affected and have the potential to contract the Covid-19 virus.

So far, Habib Rizieq is well known for his direct speaking style. The public thought that when he returned from Arabia, he would turn out to be calm and polite. But unfortunately Rizieq is still Rizieq whose lecture thunders and insults the government. People became antipathy because he did not change for the better.

Apart from his harsh speaking style, Habib Rizieq used harsh words that should not be heard by young children. Even though there were several other diction to smooth it, he did not want to choose it. What if there is a toddler brought by his father in the event? He would easily imitate and have his mind poisoned by the lecture.

The public was also very disappointed when Rizieq allowed other preachers to pray badly to the leaders in Indonesia. Shouldn’t a religious leader set a good example? However, praying is bad and makes people less sympathetic. Yet a bad prayer will return to itself.

Even though it should have been during the Covid-19 pandemic, we should work together to help each other. However, Habib Rizieq even deliberately broke the peace in Indonesia and deliberately violated health protocols. If the community ends up divided into 2 camps, how can you work together to fight corona?

Habib Rizieq should know himself and refrain from uttering harsh words during his lecture. It also changed to be more polite and did not break the national unity. In fact, he had been involved in cases several times and should not slip again because he insisted on giving a provocative lecture.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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