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Independent Vaccination Will Not Take The Government’s Ration


By: Deka Prawira ) *

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) emphasized that the Covid-19 vaccination independently or the mutual cooperation vaccine will not take the government’s share. The community also supports the independent vaccination program for these well-off people to accelerate the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and national economic recovery.

Coordinator of PMO Public Communication Committee for Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) Arya Sinulingga ensures that this will be avoided due to brand differences.

              In addition, he continued, the government has secured the vaccine quota for the free vaccination program.

              In addition, the government has also secured the vaccine quota for the free vaccination program.

              The government also ensures that there is no difference between government vaccination and mutual cooperation in terms of cost, which is both given free of charge.

              So there is no term paid vaccine or the commercialization of Covid-19 vaccination. Arya explained, what makes independent vaccination different is the mutual cooperation vaccination specifically intended for workers / laborers with a budget or expense from the employers .

              Arya also added that the government will regulate the independent vaccination program to be the responsibility of the company. This vaccination scheme will be separate from the government vaccination program. This is in line with input from the Corruption Eradication Commission (K PK) so that there is a clear separation between independent vaccination and government vaccination.

              Based on the results of discussions with the KPK, first, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) will act as a regulator, both in the procurement, distribution and implementation of vaccinations , both free and independent. Data control also remains with the Ministry of Health.

              Second, the vaccine brands used for independent vaccination are not the same as the vaccines procured under the government vaccination program. So, there is no need to worry that this independent vaccination will take away the government’s vaccine ration.

              Third, the procurement process will be regulated in a detailed and transparent manner. Fourth, the independent vaccine injection process is not carried out in government health facilities , including the vaccinators or those who inject the vaccine.

              Vaccination is carried out after the first phase of vaccination for health workers is completed and after the second stage of vaccination for public officials.

              On a different occasion, Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) for International Relations, Shinta Widjaja Kamdani, previously revealed that 5.3 million workers are registered to participate in the independent Covid-19 vaccination program as of Thursday, February 18, 2021.

“ The employees are known not only to come from private companies, but also from small, micro and medium enterprises or MSMEs.             

              There are already 5,700 registered companies. A total of 5.3 million workers will join the program.

              The government also opens opportunities for the private sector to carry out the Covid-19 vaccine program independently. The implementation of independent vaccination or mutual vaccination is carried out in private hospitals that are not involved in the government vaccination program .

              Spokesperson for the Covid-19 vaccination at the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, said that her party is currently consulting with various parties to formulate independent Covid-19 vaccine regulations by private companies.

              From the results of the study, Nadia said, the Ministry of Health plans to issue a regulation in the form of a health ministerial regulation or a health ministerial decree.

              The Ministry of Health has appointed PT Bio Farma (Persero) as the sole importer in the independent vaccine procurement. This aims to avoid the existence of fake vaccines and its implementation is not in the near future.

              Epidemiologist tersbeut not explain further about the technical description of procurement of vaccines, the determination of the type and price of the vaccine covid-19, which will be allocated untu k independent vaccination program by private companies. This will be regulated in a later regulation.

              However, he predicted that an independent vaccination regulation would be issued when the implementation of Covid-19 vaccination for the general public had started.

              Pa da different occasions, Ichsan Hanafi as the Secretary General of the Association of Private Hospitals of Indonesia (ARSSI) said that private hospitals are ready when appointed by the government to vaccinate independently.

              Ichsan said, both in terms of equipment and number of human resources, it would be sufficient if asked to carry out independent vaccinations. Likewise related to the cooling equipment chain. According to him, currently the private hospitals are just waiting for the rules regarding who will get the vaccine and the price set.

              Therefore, it is clear that independent vaccination is being carefully planned, and does not take the government’s share.

) * The author is a contributor Rim and the Student Press cikini

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