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Raise Price Unilateral, The Governor Threatens Remove from Market Traders

Raise Price Unilateral, The Governor Threatens Remove from Market Traders
Raise Price Unilateral, The Governor Threatens Remove from Market Traders

By : Syaiful *)

To ensure there is no price spikes too high during the holy month of Ramadan, Governor of South East Sulawesi (Sulawesi) Nur Alam reminded the traders not to raise prices at will. For traders who are found to raise prices unilaterally will be given sanctions in accordance with the applicable legislation. By him, Nur Alam said traders should be obedient and do not play the market price.

“The government through the Regional Inflation Control Team will conduct market operations if found to occur bumping reasonable prices. The Government has the right to stop the execution. Stressed, for merchants who deliberately raise the price, the government could execute to remove merchants from the market. For that hoard goods warehouse raid will be done until the foreclosure.

According to Nur Alam one of fraud which look out at this time is anyone doing buildup-accumulation of goods deliberately withhold distrbusi so prices rise. It is profitable traders but hurt buyers. By it, the government will not hesitate to take action against rogue traders

*) The Author Is a Sulawesi Regional Contributor


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