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Revitalization Plan for Some Traditional Market in Southeast Sulawesi

Revitalization Plan for Some Traditional Market in Southeast Sulawesi
Revitalization Plan for Some Traditional Market in Southeast Sulawesi

By : Saiful*)

KENDARI, A number of traditional markets in Southeast Sulawesi is predicted join in the list of the revitalization of the Jokowi-JK’s 2015 program. This Efforts are implemented through grants hiba and will be allocated in several districts / cities, such as Kendari, Konawe, South Konawe, Kolaka, Baubau, Buten South and Central Buton.

Head of Economic Bureau and Disposal of The Resources (SDA) s.e Sulawesi, H Muhammad Faizal, although do not know the amount of the budget and the market gets a revitalization, explaining that, this revitalization program has existed since the government of SBY and also in Southeast Sulawesi, it’s about three or four traditional market that will get revitalize the market each year, with a budget of Rp 350 million up to IDR 600 million.

“However, there are some constraints in the process. Specially in among others, the legality of the land, the usual relocation of local government, as well as the conflict between the old and the new trader. Prior to the revitalization, traders who sell little, but when the completion of the arrangement, traders compete to trade, ” said Faizal.

*) the author is sulawesi regional contributor

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