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Support the Government’s Efforts to Overcome the Covid-19 Virus Through Vaccination


Cidiss.co, JAKARTA – dr. Iksan Ashari said that vaccination efforts in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic must be supported by all parties, although many are currently pro and contra.

He said there were many questions from the public about what kind of vaccination function, because those who had been vaccinated were still exposed to Covid-19.

“When the vaccine has been carried out, it is not necessarily free from Covid-19 when we are negligent in implementing strict health protocols and immunity is weak because it does not become health,” he said.
dr Iksan Ashari in the ICF live talk show on Radio Muara, Jakarta, Monday (19/7/2021).

He explained that it is like driving a car, there is no guarantee that an accident will occur, whether you use a seat belt or not.

“But there are differences between those who wear seat belts and those who don’t, as well as those who are vaccinated and those who have not been vaccinated,” he said.

dr Iksan invites the public to
participate in supporting this vaccination program because in addition to protecting yourself, you also protect your family, friends and relatives.

“In addition, to improve the quality of life so that Indonesia is free from Covid-19,” he said.

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