By: Arifin )*
“To face the terrorism crime we’ve got BNPT. Then why the government did not anticipate the cyber terror to establish a National Cyber Agency?”, Said Karel Susetyo, Executive Director POINT Indonesia, as reported rimanews.com
According to his statement, a comprehensive prevention and deterrence on the possibility of cyber terrorism, especially for banking sector and the waterwheel must be done, because the space for terrorists in cyberspace can’t be restricted.
“Not just insert the rules to crack down on terrorist activities on the internet, which will be included in the plan for revision of the Terrorism Act. But it also had to have a body who has responsibility for resilience of national cyber information,” he said.
Concern about cyber, we must be all out. As reported by antaranews.com, Kun Arief Cahyantoro, Head of Information Security Desk Cyber Security and Information Security Agency (DKKICN) say, Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) plans to visit Indonesia to explore partnerships in terms of capacity building for human resources which is engaged in the security of cyber. This visit can open a lot of networking and partnership with relevant state cyber security because this efforts are impossible to do by Indonesia alone but must be use network.
Meanwhile, expert staff DKICN, Muchlis Ahmady, on Saturday, said that his organization with CAC had a meeting earlier this week as pre-MoU (memorandum of understanding) associated with the capacity building for human resources of cyber space, quoted from suara.com.
“Cooperation with strengthening of capacity are being explored with the CAC include Information and Communication Technology strategy. Capacity building which related to the operational and technical. Joint research in particular cyber security terms “, he said.
Several cyber attacks have led to Indonesia. Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure (ID-SIRTII) noted in 2014 there were 48.8 million cyber attacks in Indonesia. The attack was mostly caused by the activity of malware as much as 12,007,808 incident. Attacks due to security gaps as much as 24,168 cases, record leakage 5,970 cases. And also an attack by password harvesting or phishing attacks as many as 1,730 cases and attacks cause domain due to leakage up to 215 cases. Of that number, ID-SIRTII has opinion that government who has addressable pages such go.id is the most hackers attacked, reported by kompas.com
While based on the statement from Head of State Code Institution, Major General TNI Djoko Setiadi, said approximately 20 to 50 pages government owned or have domain .go.id attacked by hackers and mischievous hands in cyberspace, reported antaranews.com.
Pindad.com also launched based on the report of Akamai Technologies, service provider of the content delivery network (CDN) in the second quarter of 2013, list Indonesia has first ranks as a country that have many cyber attack.
)* The Author is Jakarta Regional Contributor