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By: Rashka Pratama )*

President Jokowi is preparing new normal procedures in 4 provinces and 25 city districts. The application of this new normal condition also involves Indonesian National Police personnel who will stand guard at various strategic points ranging from shopping centers, tourism, and people’s markets or traditional markets. In response to this, a number of parties considered that the new normal policy was designed to maintain national economic stability. Although not a few also assume that this policy imposes a little will and seemed to make the economic priority compared to handling COVID-19.

So what is meant by new normal is probably an abnormal situation. The government in making policies always issues new terms, like new normal. However, the term new normal could be a means of leading opinion that the current conditions have changed for the better, so people no longer need to worry about the current situation. Therefore, a new and powerful narrative is needed using foreign terms, like this new normal.

Until now COVID-19 positive numbers continue to rise sharply, without showing a significant decrease. Thus, not a few also emerged opinions that the policy is very irrelevant to do now. In dealing with that policy, the public is asked to remain vigilant, must prepare and protect themselves and their families from the spread of the corona virus.

New normal or not, at this time the corona virus has spread and is very difficult to ward off its spread. Therefore the government gives the option to “make peace” with the virus and coexist, but of course by continuing to prioritize personal safety. If people continue to be afraid of this virus, it is feared that economic activity will not run and Covid – 19 can bring an outbreak of hunger and poverty, especially in Indonesia.

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