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When Pandemic, Eid Prayer Can Be Done At Home


By: Dani Kurniawan )*

Ramadhan and Lebaran this time are certainly very different from the previous Ramadan, the whole community is affected, the appeal of social distancing is also increasingly encouraged. People are also encouraged to be able to adapt, including by performing Eid Al-Fitr prayers at home in accordance with the recommendations of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

Muslims are also waiting for 1 Shawwal 1441 H at the co-19 pandemic, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued a fatwa related to the implementation of Eid al-Fitr 1441 H. This was justified by the Secretary of the Central MUI Fatwa Commission Asrorun Niam Sholeh.

He expressed the discussion of the fatwa that has been carried out since May 6, 2020 on community questions, then the final discussion on May 13. The meeting was attended by 41 members and Chairman of the Fatwa Commission online, chaired by the Chair and Secretary of the Fatwa Commission.

According to him this fatwa can be a guideline for the implementation of Worship during Eid. “Substantially this fatwa has been completed, if there is a slight improvement, of course the improvement is related to editorial only.

The fatwa was signed by the Chairman of the MUI Fatwa Commission Prof. H. Hasanudin AF, Secretary, Asrorun Niam Sholeh and known to the Deputy Chairman of the Central MUI KH Muhyidin Junaedi, MA and Secretary General, Anwar Abbas.

In the provisions of the law it is stated that the Eid Al-Fitr Prayer is the sunnah muakkadah which is one of the religious rules.

By law, Eid prayer is the sunnah for every Muslim, male or female, independent and slave, adult or children, both at home and traveling (travelers), in congregation or individually.

Therefore, if a Muslim lives in a red zone co-19 case, then praying at home can be a solution as an effort to minimize the potential of the community.

On a different occasion, Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi appealed for Muslims to perform Eid prayer at home together with the nuclear family. This is part of empathy and commitment as religious people in handling co-19.

The Minister of Religion also hopes that the ulama, including MUI, can continue to provide explanations to the public. One of them is about Islamic Jurisprudence law and the procedure for Eid al-Fitr Prayers which is a muakkadah sunnah which means sunnah which is highly recommended.

Fachrul also hoped that during the co-19 pandemic the community would not reduce happiness and joy in welcoming Eid al-Fitr 1441 H. Besides being happy because of returning to fitrah, a sense of caring must also be tucked during Eid al-Fitr 1441 H.

For regions that still impose large-scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), of course Eid prayers that are usually held in the field, mosque or mosque cannot be done.

Chairman of the MUI Fatwa Commission Prof. Dr. H. Hasanudin AF, MA, said that Eid prayer can be done in their respective homes, either alone or in congregation.

This is not much different from Friday Prayers which are replaced with midday prayers at home, so Eid prayers during a pandemic can be done at their respective places.

Meanwhile, the results of a joint meeting within the Muhammadiyah sphere determined several decisions for the activities of Ramadan and Eid to be held at their respective homes.

The decision was taken by considering the arguments of the Qur’an and Hadith which are understood in accordance with the tarjih manhaj as well as scientific data from experts who show that this condition has reached the emergency status covid-19.

The official statement from PP Muhammadiyah said that Takmir did not need to hold congregational prayers in mosques, prayer rooms and the like, including other Ramadan activities such as lectures, tadarus in congregation, iktikaf and other congregational activities.

The same invitation was echoed by the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board, his party appealed for Muslims to carry out Eid prayer this year at their homes.

He also requested that Muslims, especially NU residents, continue to strengthen the relationship in the momentum of Eid al-Fitr 1441 H.

In addition, PBNU also calls on all Nahdliyin residents to always obey the decisions, policies and appeals of the central and regional governments in order to prevent the spread of covid-19.

As long as the covid-19 pandemic is not over, of course social distancing must be implemented, so that by doing prayers at home, it will certainly break the chain of transmission of the corona virus.

)* Active writer in United Muslim Millennial

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