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80 % Forest Of Central Kalimantan Has Been Changed Function

Changed: Forest became palm oil garden in central Kalimantan. Now, about 80 % of forest in Central Kalimantan has changed function as mining and palm oil garden.
Changed: Forest became palm oil garden in central Kalimantan. Now, about 80 % of forest in Central Kalimantan has changed function as mining and palm oil garden.

By: Fuad *)

Central Kalimantan – Kalimantan is one of the island which produce Oxygen (02). Kalimantan has big tropic forest. Kalimantan has decided as lung of the world. It sends oxygen to many countries in the world.

Moreover in central Kalimantan, it has tropic forest. It is also called as lung of the world. Many habitat of plants and animals live there.

Also, tropic forest saves much treasure inside, such as gold, coals, mineral, etc.

Keep pace with opening forest for palm oil garden and mining activities, much forest has lost their function as lung of the world.

Recently, most of forest in central Kalimantan has been changed function. It was said by officer of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Plus (REDD+), Teguh Priyatmoko. By the data of REDD+, like quote of seputarkalteng.com, 80 % forest in central Kalimantan has been changed.

As consequence, much forest has lost their function. It conducives disaster such as flood and dryness. In summer season, water source lost. In the rainy season, there is much water in anywhere. It is because forest decreased and water absorption is gone or decreased.

“Based on observation, the forest condition of Central Kalimantan is on the thoughtfulness because most of forest has been changed to be palm oil tress and mining,” said Teguh Priyatmoko.

According to Priyatmoko, reforestation in Central Kalimantan needs aware and commitment from all side and people.

“Central Kalimantan province is pioneer in reduction of emission from deforestation and forest degradation to support effort and program about action plan about preventive action to forest fire and land,” said him.

One program of REDD+ and government of Central Kalimantan is program to face of fire forest and turf land on people basis.

“The training program for team of faced fire forest and land has begun since 2012. We gave the training to increase the capability through community and local government for effectiveness faced the fire forest and turf land,” said him.

People involvement as an actor to face fire forest and turf land, it has strategic appreciated to support together effort.

*) The Author Is Kalimantan Regional Contributor

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