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UAE Agree to Undergo Cooperation in Handling Waste at IKN Nusantara


By: Haikal Fathan Akbar )*

IKN Nusantara is conceptualized as an environmentally friendly capital city. Therefore, not only creating tree nurseries, the government is also taking the waste problem seriously. To handle waste, there is cooperation with the UAE (United Arab Emirates). With this collaboration, it is hoped that waste handling will be even better and not damage Kalimantan’s nature. 

IKN Nusantara will become a new capital city that is modern and still environmentally friendly. In supporting the IKN which is made a  green city  as well as minimal waste, the waste treatment is managed professionally. The waste processing site is also large and makes IKN a green capital city and is not filled with trash and waste that gives the impression of being slum .

To overcome the waste problem, the government is working with the United Arab Emirates. Head of the Nusantara National Institute of Authority Bambang Susantono stated that the Dubai-based company Alserkal Group-Envirol signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the Nusantara Capital Authority (IKN Authority) in the field of waste management, especially fat, oil and grease (FOG) waste.

This agreement was obtained during an international cooperation visit that took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates to encourage the smart and green city program at IKN Nusantara.

Alserkal Group has signed an NDA with the IKN Authority to set FOG disposal standards. The proper method of disposing of waste cooking oil and food fats is expected to be able to preserve the environmental infrastructure at IKN Nusantara.

Alserkal Group Board of Directors member Maher Al Kaabi said, by highlighting the dangers of waste in the archipelago, his company has directly shown concern for the environment and public health.

In a sense, the processing and disposal of waste is no joke. Especially for IKN Nusantara which is the capital city of Indonesia. The capital city must be clean of all rubbish and waste and nothing must be so dirty that it makes IKN residents sick due to a lack of environmental sanitation.

The arrival of the UAE as a waste processing investor is certainly very good. The reason is because the foreign investors who come do not only focus on physical development in the Nusantara National Institute of Technology. But there are also those who care about waste management so that IKN will become a city that is clean and has good sanitation.

Meanwhile, Bobby Gafur Umar, the company manager who manages waste and garbage at the IKN, stated that his party is making a waste management project at the IKN and is expected to be completed in 2026. Apart from waste treatment, there are also bio-energy and bio-industry projects.

Bobby added, later at the IKN there will be an integrated waste management site. This place is special because it is in 1 core area, near the IKN government center, which is guaranteed to be environmentally friendly. The capacity is 89 tons of waste per day consisting of 30 tons of organic waste and 44 tons of non-organic waste, while the rest is sludge waste. This place is supported by high-tech waste management tools.

In a sense, the government is thinking of IKN so that it becomes  a green city  that has very little waste and has good waste and waste management. People don’t have to worry because IKN won’t be like DKI Jakarta, which has the impression of being a slum because its rivers are polluted and its streets are dirty. The reason is that before the city was inaugurated, there was already a professional garbage and waste management plan.

Waste management is built on the 3R principle (reduce, reuse, recycle). The place is in an environmental buffer zone and food security. It is hoped that this management will minimize waste, because it will be processed and recycled into other goods that are more useful. For example, plastic waste will be processed into mats.

The existence of garbage and waste management is very important because IKN is the capital city so it must be clean and very minimal waste. Moreover, the concept of this city is  a green city  that is in the forest. IKN will not pollute Borneo, instead it will further strengthen the green island and excellent waste management.

With the help of companies from the UAE, the handling of garbage and waste will be greatly assisted. IKN Nusantara will be clean from all dirt, garbage, and waste. The capital city must be clean and maintain sanitation, and have good waste management.

)* The author is a contributor to the Vimedia Pratama Institute Contributor

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