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The existence of KST Papua is the Main Barrier to the Development and Welfare of Papua


By: Levi Raema Wenda*)

The existence of the Papuan Separatist Terrorist Group (KST) will be the main obstacle in accelerating development and prosperity in Papua. This is because the heinous terrors that he often carries out target many parties, whether they are indigenous Papuans, migrants, or TNI/Polri officers.

KST Papua is a separatist group that was born in the 1960s with the main goal of separating Papua from Indonesia. In achieving its ultimate goal, this group often carries out various acts of terror that are very heinous and inhumane to people they regard as enemies of the struggle. KST Papua is also one of the inhibiting factors for the Government of Indonesia and the Regional Government to develop Papua.

During the month of July, several cases of Papuan KST cruelty have been heard of the community. Starting from the shooting by KST Papua that killed 10 people in Nduga, to the latest about the circulation of an amateur video of beheading a traditional gold miner in Yahukimo. It is as if these horrific acts never end, and are often carried out for no apparent reason.

This terror act carried out by KST Papua indirectly disrupts the work of the Indonesian government in developing Papua. It is known that President Jokowi with the Nawacita program has a great desire to develop Indonesia from the periphery by strengthening regions and villages within the framework of a unitary state. If terror acts continue, it will be very difficult to achieve these goals because of the dangers that will be faced by the parties involved, such as project workers, health workers, or facilitators assisting government programs.

This is in line with what was conveyed by a member of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia in the Papuan Electoral District (Dapil), Yorrys Raweyai. Yorrys said that KST Papua carried out terror by targeting residents who were not only Papuan Orang Asli (OAP), but also the general public, including migrant communities who were making a living in Papua.

Yorrys, who is also the Chairman of the People’s Representative Council (MPR) for Papua, added that the KST Papua action led by Egianus Kogoya was very disturbing and threatened the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia because of other sporadic actions that often occurred in Papua. This is very unfortunate considering that currently efforts are being made by the Government and the Papuan People in developing Papua through the Special Autonomy (Otsus) Papua Volume II.

The chairman of Commission II of the DPD RI asked the Government through the competent authorities to seriously and consistently suppress Papuan KST to its roots. According to him, this is very urgent to do in order to maintain conduciveness in the land of Papua, and to ensure that the acceleration of change through a series of policies as a derivative of Otsus Volume II can take place properly.

The handling carried out by the Government of Indonesia on the actions carried out by KST Papua must also be thorough, careful and should not be careless. Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD likened KST Papua in carrying out its actions always using the law of the jungle, and on the other hand the handling carried out by the apparatus is always based on applicable law. He added that the government respects the applicable law because Papua is part of Indonesia, and to guarantee human rights there.

The Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko asked the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) to intervene to investigate allegations of human rights violations committed by KST Papua to the people in Papua. He also emphasized that the state will never tolerate anyone who tries to spread terror and disturb public order and security, let alone cause world casualties.

Member of Commission III of the DPR, Arsul Sani, gave his response to the violence perpetrated by KST Papua. The United Development Party (PPP) politician said that the problems in Papua must be resolved through legal channels, not solely by the military. This is because Papua has a socio-demographic complexity that must prioritize a systematic approach to conflict resolution.

Meanwhile, member of Commission I of the DPR, Dave Akbarshah Fikarno, is of the view that the Papuan problem must be solved comprehensively, not by taking up arms. He argues that efforts are needed from the government to approach the community, not only in terms of an economic approach, but also a cultural approach to religion. This is necessary so that the equitable development of access to education continues. If education in Papua is evenly distributed, then the Papuan people will be better prepared to face the world of labor if it is carried out on an ongoing basis.

It must be admitted that the existence of KST Papua is very detrimental and

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