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Management of Local Tourism in Palangka Raya city need Human Resources Sufficiency

mangrove forest
mangrove forest

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – Palangka raya, the capital city of Central Palangka Raya has much tourism place, such as Danau Tahai, Taman Wisata Bukit Tangkiling, Batu Banama, Perahu Susur Sungai, Tugu Soekarno, Flamboyan Kahayan River Front, etc.

The management of tourism place needs serious concern by Governemnt of Palangka Raya and Central Kalimantan Province, especially maintenance.

Moreover, the maintenance of tourism place in Palangka Raya needs capability of Human resources (SDM). Then the maintenance of management tourism place seem sell cheaply to local Investor and International.

The chief of Tourism and Economic creative board of Palangka Raya, Afendie, like quote in Kalteng Pos, Monday (12/10/2015) said that the board invites investor from local countries and abroad to develop the tourism sector in Palangka Raya.

“We invite them (investors) to gather built and manage the prior tourism place in Palangka Raya,” said Afendie

He assume, Government role must cooperate to implement of tourism place as prior in Capital City, then destination of tourism place can be known in International.

Besides that, the tourism place will develop the new spot in big zone such in harbor of Kelurahan Kereng Bangkirai, Kelurahan Kameloh Baru and Flamboyan Bawah district which design as river front city. (*)

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