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Polemic: Railway of Kalteng

Forum Group Discussion (FGD): Participants take picture together with speaker in FGD. FGD is held by menara news and KNPI Kalimantan Tengah Province, in Hall of DPD KNPI Kalteng, Saturday (21/2/2015).
Forum Group Discussion (FGD): Participants take picture together with speaker in FGD. FGD is held by menara news and KNPI Kalimantan Tengah Province, in Hall of DPD KNPI Kalteng, Saturday (21/2/2015).

By: Fuad *)

The making railway in Kalimantan Tengah (Kalteng) Province gets many protests. A number of action, such as from activist, environment expert, also student of university. Meanwhile, very clearly, the train railway project will be held soon.

2015, this year, sooner, railway project cooperation between private sector and government will be held. It was said by Suhartoyo, Chief of medium and infrastructure sector of regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA KALTENG) when he gave speech on Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by Indonesian Young National Agnecy (KNPI DPD Kalteng) and Menara News in KNPI Kalteng Hall, Saturday (21/2/2015).

He assumed the project of making railway in Kalteng appropriate to National long building Concept (RPJMN) year 2015-2019. “Anything about train is allocated only for passenger and commodity,” said him.

The project railway divided on some steps, starting from Puruk Cahu to Bangkuang (290 KM, Bangkuang to Batanjung (135 KM) and some regency of Kalteng, such as Lamandau, Pulang Pisau, Seruyan (Kuala Pembuang), with amount of length more than 1500 KM.

Suhartoyo added that railway project is none using Regional Budget (APBD). “Funding of railway project purely from private sector do not from regional budget,” said him.

At least, there are 8 companies on this railway project. “Fund of this project is around US$ 5.476 Billion or reached 60 triliun,” said him.

He said that the benefit of this project is; open isolation between district, new job vacancy, increasing economic development. “For that things, government will buy 56 railway wagon,” said him

Besides that, government has done making socialization to every district in kalteng.

Meanwhile, Arie Rompas, Managing Director of Walhi Kalteng said railway project closely related to exploitation nature source (SDA) in Kalteng. “Railway closely related to exploitation of nature source, especially mineral and coals,” sad him.

According to him, more than a half of wide area of kalteng has been property of foreign investor. “Around 70 % wide of kalteng has been property of foreign investor, both palm oil and mining,” said him.

Moreover, he said that making railway will increase dredging 7x nature source in Kalteng. “So that way, 50 years later, SDA in Kalteng will be finished,” said him.

On the contrary of railway projects, he said, who will transportable by train in Kalteng. “The number of kalteng is only 2,3 million,” said him.

Besides that, railway is outside of people settlement. “Railway is outside of people settlement and direct to sea,” said him.

*) The Author Is Kalimantan Regional Contributors

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