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Deputy Minister of Manpower and Legal Experts Agree that Perppu Ciptaker will Have Many Positive Impacts


Jakarta – Perppu Cipta Kerja (Ciptaker) is believed to be able to guarantee that all people can get rewards and fair and proper treatment in work relations. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Manpower (Wamenaker), Afriansyah Noor, in the National Webinar held by the Moya Institute, on Friday (3/3/2023).

“(Perppu Ciptaker) will be issued at the end of 2022 because it is widely used to increase investment in national strategic projects,” explained Afriansyah.

Apart from that, continued Afriansyah, the Perppu Ciptaker was able to help strengthen the fundamentals of the national economy to continue to maintain competitiveness. With the high uncertainty of the world economy, it continues to encourage us to be able to adapt to change.

“Indonesia itself still needs quality job creation, because it has an ever-increasing number of workforce. Moreover, with the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more people are experiencing unemployment. Therefore, it is important to issue the Perppu Ciptaker,” said the Deputy Minister of Labor.

According to him, the Perppu Ciptaker also contains other employment substances regulated in the Ciptaker Law, such as those related to foreign workers, work agreements for a certain time and so on.

“Following up this Perppu, there must be a lot of outreach to all stakeholders such as businessmen, academics, students and so on. Then there is also follow-up, in which the DPR RI has agreed that the Job Creation Perppu will become a law,” he said.

On the same occasion, another guest speaker, namely UGM Professor of Business Law, Prof. Nindyo Pramono, said the existence of the Perppu Ciptaker was important as the government’s effort to comply with the Constitutional Court (MK) decision.

“Not only that, but also making improvements to the Ciptaker Law by using the omnibus law method and also increasing meaningful participation from the public,” he continued.

There is a compelling crisis in the aspect of employment in Indonesia, which is part of the importance of issuing the Perppu.

“Because there are as many as 53.8 million people in the workforce who are not working or not working fully. Issues related to this workforce need to be regulated immediately and it is very necessary to absorb a large number of the workforce, “explained Prof. Nindyo.

Apart from that, this UGM Professor of Business Law also revealed that data has shown that with the existence of the Ciptaker Law, investors responded very positively to this.

“This is due to the government’s efforts to carry out structural reforms. It is clear that the existence of these structural reforms has a positive impact on increasing foreign investment in Indonesia,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Political Observer, Emrus Sihombing explained that his party had absorbed a lot of public aspirations in the issuance of the Perppu Ciptaker.

“We have absorbed a lot from the public regarding the issuance of this Perppu Ciptaker. All aspiration absorption processes have been carried out, and not just conveyed, but instead carried out discussions. Because the government is indeed very open and they accommodate all constructive aspirations of the public,” he explained.

All content in the Ciptaker Law, continued Emrus, has actually sided with the people, not even just related to employment, but the Indonesian people do not have to look for work abroad anymore and even (we) will be able to absorb workers from overseas.

“In accordance with the name of this law, namely Job Creation, so that it will create jobs. So in the future the Indonesian people will no longer apply for jobs abroad, instead there will be many people who set up businesses. This includes facilitating the licensing of individual PTs, MSMEs and so on,” he explained.

Furthermore, this political observer explained that the issuance of the Perppu Ciptaker has many benefits, especially for MSME actors. They will greatly benefit from the ease of obtaining permits, which will give them hope and optimism.

Another benefit of the Ciptaker Law, he continued, is that the number of unemployed in Indonesia will decrease.

“It could even be close to zero. Indonesia also has the potential to become a very advanced country in the economic field with the help of appropriate policies such as the Job Creation Law,” he concluded.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration if this Perppu Ciptaker is considered to be one of the answers for creating people’s welfare in the economic field.

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