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Discussion Moya Institute, Deputy Manpower and Legal Experts Call Perppu Ciptaker Reduce Unemployment and Involve Public Aspirations


Jakarta – Indonesia still needs quality job creation, because it has an ever-increasing number of workforce. Especially with the Covid-19 pandemic where many people are unemployed. Therefore, it is important to issue the Job Creation Perppu.

This was stated by the Deputy Minister (Wamen) of Manpower, Afriansyah Noor in a discussion activity organized by the Moya Institute on Friday (3/3).

In addition, he said, the Perppu Ciptaker was able to help strengthen the fundamentals of the national economy to continue to maintain competitiveness.

“The purpose of the Perppu on Job Creation is to be able to guarantee that all people can get rewards and fair and proper treatment in work relations,” said Afriansyah

The issuance of the Perppu Ciptaker at the end of 2022, said the Vice Minister, because it was widely used to increase investment in national strategic projects and in the context of implementing the Constitutional Court’s Decision, namely making improvements to the Ciptaker Law.

According to Afriansyah, there have been several changes in the provisions of the Job Creation Perppu. Such as the use of disability terminology and employment substance content, for example related to foreign workers, work agreements for a certain time and so on.

“Regarding the PKWT issue, it turns out that there is no true discourse that seems like PKWT can be contracted for life. This is clear in the Job Creation Perppu,” he explained.

Meanwhile regarding a number of other issues, such as if the weekly rest time owned by workers is reduced by the Perppu, Afriansyah emphasized that this is not true, but precisely how much rest time depends on the company.

“Another central issue is severance pay, which seems to be abolished. This is absolutely not true, because the Job Creation Perppu still regulates severance pay,” said Deputy Minister Afriansyah.

On the same occasion, UGM Professor of Business Law, Prof. Nindyo Pramono explained, the data shows that investors have responded very positively to the Ciptaker Law, because it is an attempt by the government to carry out structural reforms.

“Because so far before the Ciptaker Law was introduced, there were many complicated permits in Indonesia, and now everything has been trimmed and arranged much better,” said Prof. Nindyo.

Meanwhile, he continued, the realization of investment value in 2022 has clearly increased, this has been since the enactment of the Job Creation Law.

“With an increase in the realization of investment value, it will also automatically increase the absorption of labor in Indonesia,” he explained.

Regarding public aspirations, Political Observer, Emrus Sihombing said, his party had absorbed a lot from the public regarding the issuance of this Perppu Cipta Kerja.

“All aspirations have been carried out, and not just conveyed, but instead carried out discussions. Because the government is indeed very open and they accommodate all the constructive aspirations of the public,” said Emrus.

Emrus also emphasized that the issuance of the Job Creation Perppu brought many benefits to MSME actors because of the ease of licensing, which gave birth to hope and optimism.

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