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Deputy Minister of Manpower: Perppu Ciptaker Strengthens National Economy and Maintains Competitiveness


Jakarta – Deputy Minister of Manpower, Afriansyah Noor said the Perppu Ciptaker was able to strengthen the national economy and maintain competitiveness given that global economic conditions were still uncertain.

With the Perppu Ciptaker being able to help strengthen the fundamentals of the national economy to continue to maintain competitiveness amidst the high uncertainty of the world economy so that his party continues to push to be able to adapt to change, said Deputy Manpower Afriansyah Noor while attending the Moya Institute discussion, Friday 3/3/2023.

Indonesia itself still needs quality job creation, because it has an ever-increasing number of workforce and increasing unemployment due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition, the purpose of the Perppu on Job Creation is to be able to guarantee that all people can get rewards and fair and proper treatment in work relations, concluded Afriansyah Noor.

The Wamenaker admitted, it was issued at the end of 2022 because it is very much used to increase investment in national strategic projects and it is also necessary to note that there have been several changes in the provisions of this Job Creation Perppu, one of which is the use of disability terminology.

According to him, the Perppu on Job Creation also contains other employment substances regulated in the Ciptaker Law, such as those related to foreign workers and work agreements for a certain time.

The Wamenaker said regarding the PKWT issue, it turned out that there was no true discourse that it seemed that PKWT could be contracted for life. This is clear in the Job Creation Perppu.

Regarding layoffs, which seem to be rumored to be carried out unilaterally, even though in fact in the Work Creation Perppu, layoffs must be carried out by two parties and there is prior approval and absolutely cannot be done unilaterally. On the other hand, if there is a dispute, then an industrial settlement will be carried out. said Afriansyah Noor

The Wamenaker denied the issue in the Perppu Ciptaker that severance pay was abolished. This is absolutely not true, because the Job Creation Perppu still regulates the existence of severance pay.

Meanwhile, UGM Professor of Business Law, Prof. Nindyo Pramono said the data had shown that with the existence of the Ciptaker Law, investors responded very positively, because it was an attempt by the government to carry out structural reforms.

So far, before the existence of the Ciptaker Law, there were many permits in Indonesia that were too complicated, but now we can get them in less than 1 day. All the convoluted matters regarding the existence of these permits have now been trimmed and arranged much better, said Prof. Nindyo Pramono.

The importance of having a Job Creation Perppu is also because it is an effort by the government to fulfill the Constitutional Court’s decision. Not only that, but also made improvements to the Ciptaker Law by using the omnibus law method and also increasing meaningful participation from the public, explained the UGM Professor of Business Law.

On the same occasion, Emrus Sihombing, a political observer who is also a former spokesperson for the Team for Absorbing Aspirations for the Implementation of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Aspirations, said that we had absorbed a lot from the public regarding the issuance of the Perppu Cipta Kerja. All aspiration absorption processes have been carried out, and not just conveyed, but instead carried out discussions. Because the government is indeed very open and they accommodate all the constructive aspirations of the public.

In fact, all the content in the Job Creation Law has sided with the people, not even just related to employment, the Indonesian people don’t have to look for work abroad anymore and we will even be able to absorb workers from abroad, added Emrus.

In accordance with the name of this law, namely Job Creation, so as to create jobs, then later the Indonesian people will no longer apply for jobs outside, instead there will be many people who set up businesses including the ease of licensing for individual PTs, MSMEs, said Emrus Sihombing.

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