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Prevent Terrorism, Citizen was expected to care about the environment around

Densus 88 Anti Terrorism
Densus 88 Anti Terrorism

By: Kamil Kaharuddin )*

Terrorism remains a serious and a real threat that have overshadowed the people around the world. Not long ago, the arrest of several unexpected turns of terrorism in West Bekasi closely associated with one of the ISIS Vassal from Indonesia, Bahrun Naim well known for masterminding terror acts in Indonesia.

Chief of Public Relations Division Police, Inspector General of Police Amar Joey Boy said, Bahrun actively communicate with prospective “bride” suicide bombings, Dian Yulia Novi (DYN) and received orders to commit suicide at the State Palace. Until now, Densus 88 have secured 11 votes in the bomb-related findings Officer, Bekasi. From 11 people, only seven were named as a suspect.

The seven suspects are known that they have their respective duties. Suspect Nur Solihin (NS) was a leader of a small group of terrorists. He recruited other suspects to join in the Amaliyah Plan in front of the Presidential Complex, Jakarta. NS buy materials for bomb making. He received two submissions funds from Bahrun Naim, ISIS sympathizers from Indonesia, as the capital of their action.

Suspect DYN role as a bride who will carry out a suicide bombing at the National Palace when the implementation of the President Security Army handover. Then, the suspect Agus Supardi (AS) who was arrested in Bekasi has a role as a carrier of the bomb from Central Java to Bekasi. Together NS, he brought the bomb to the suspect DYN in Bekasi.

The other suspect, namely Khafid Fathoni has a role as a maker “rice cooker” bomb. He makes TATP explosives at his home in Ngawi, based on the guidelines of Bahrun Naim. After that, the suspect Suyanto (SU), the facilitator of bomb-making by providing his home as a place of assembly of the bomb.

The second woman who was arrested and became a suspect in the suicide bombing this plan, named Arinda Putri Maharani (AM). She is a facilitator of the receipt of money to assemble a bomb and also knows the exact location of explosives and bomb-making.

Lastly, the suspect Henry Prasetyawan (WP) is known pledged by ISIS. He took the initiative to store explosives and bomb-making components that will be created by transferring them from office NS, Azzam Da’wah Center (ADC) to be brought to his house.

Four other suspected terrorists has not been named as a suspect. They are Imam Safei (IS) were arrested in Boyolali, Sumarno (S) was arrested in Klaten, Sumarto (ST) were arrested in Karanganyar, and TS or UA captured in Tasikmalaya.

Meanwhile, National Police Chief Gen Pol Tito Karnavian said Naim Bahrun be the main actor in a bomb plot targeting Presidential Palace. According to Tito, Bahrun controlling and finance his terrorist network from Syria. Tito explained, a number of arrests followed a team of Special Detachment 88 Anti-terror police have recently formed a small cell Bahrun.

Responding to the development of the situation, it should we as a society of Indonesia recognizes that secure situation around us is not just the responsibility of the security forces, but our shared responsibility. Society demanded sensitive to the surrounding environment considering terrorism remains a serious and real threat that have overshadowed the people of Indonesia. Let’s take care of your family by caring for the environment.

)* National Security Observer

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