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Railway In South Sulawesi Ready To Built

Railway In South Sulawesi Ready To Built
Railway In South Sulawesi Ready To Built

By: Saiful*)

Makassar – The government has agreed to build railway tracks in South Sulawesi province, based on the outcome of the meeting I attended in Jakarta, the overall allocations budget in the state budget for the construction of railway tracks reach Rp1.117 trillion, Deputy Governor Agus Arifin Nu`Mang said.

“Minister has told me that the funds must be absorbed and asked me to focus on the project including land clearance. The project is expected to be started late February 2015” he said.

The first phase of the construction of the railway tracks will cover 30 kilometers. We had surveyed the location for the project.

Member of the South Sulawesi Provincial Legislative Council (DPRD) Aryadi Arsal said all preparations except land clearance had been completed. The South Sulawesi community`s support, including in land clearance is badly needed to get this mass transportation mode realized.

The South Sulawesi provincial government has planned to build 144-kilometer railway tracks linking the provincial capital of Makassar to Parepare. If the railway is built, it will facilitate the distribution of goods and boost the economy of South Sulawesi.

*) The Author Is Sulawesi Regional Contributors

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