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Responding to the Radicalism Movement in Indonesia


By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

Why Indonesia is often the target of terrorism. Why the perpetrators are actually Indonesian citizens, who are often identified in relation to particular groups?

Post-reformation marked by the opening of democratic taps has become a fertile ground for the growth of radical Islamic groups. The phenomenon of radicalism among Muslims is often based on religious belief, although the originator of radicalism can be born from various axes, such as economic, political, social and so on.

This radicalism movement originally emerged as a form of resistance against communism in Indonesia. In addition, their resistance to the application of Pancasila as a single principle in politics. For the radicalists the religion of the Pancasila democracy system is considered haram and the government in it is kufr taghut (Arabic term referring to “devil”), as well as civil society not belonging to their class. Therefore, with his group, these people echo the formalization of sharia as a solution in the life of the state.

The insight of Islamic Archipelago has proven its resilience in guiding Indonesian Muslim society through its historical journey to manifest itself in a modern and democratic socio-political order as the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Insight Islam Nusantara offers inspiration for the whole Islamic world to develop thoughts and models of peaceful interaction with contemporary reality and in turn contribute more constructively to the whole civilization of mankind.

Through this view, NU always takes an accommodative, tolerant and avoiding attitude of extreme attitude (tafrîth, ifrâth) in dealing with any cultural spectrum. For Aswaja’s paradigm here reflects the attitude of NU which is always calculated on the basis of legal considerations which leads to the mashlahah and mafsadah aspects. These are the values ​​of Aswaja inherent in the body of NU which is the valuation and image of Islam rahmatan lil ‘alamin in the eyes of the world.

The solution must be made to prevent the widespread movement of religious radicalism or hard-line Islamic movement, among them is to actualize the values ​​of Aswaja NU into society and educational institutions. Actualization means reviving and re-enacting the values ​​of Aswaja NU in the life of society, nation and state, in order to gain its vital elan, the benefits of building a peaceful life and a particularly strong Indonesian state, and world peace in general. In this way, it is expected that hard-line Islamic movements will not be widespread. Similarly, the younger generation is expected to be a citizen who high values ​​Aswaja NU which reflects Medina Charter and simultaneously in line with the constitution of the 1945 Constitution, Pancasila philosophy and swaying Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

Movement of radicalism in Indonesia can harm the state of NKRI and also not in accordance with Pancasila. Radicalism can make the country considered low by other nations so that the country’s economy worsens, so that the Government of Indonesia should attempt to restore it that would harm the state. In addition, radicalism contradicts the Pancasila of the first precepts. There is no single religion in Indonesia that teaches radicalism to achieve the goals of a religious community.

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

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