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The Accessibility of Higher Education Becomes Equitable in Various Corners Through AMN


By: Hanna Karenina Pangalila

The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) enables the realization of more equitable access to higher education, reaching even all young people in various corners of the nation.

The availability of equitable access to higher education is very important for young people because it allows them to be more open to pursuing and achieving their dreams and aspirations as high as possible.

Because, in reality, the youth in Indonesia actually possess extraordinary potential and talent, but those in certain regions sometimes face obstacles in the form of limited access and opportunities to experience higher education, which prevents their abilities from being fully developed. However, through the AMN, the government is striving to address all of that.

The Deputy for Human Development, Society, and Culture of the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN) or the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Amich Alhumami, stated that the government has ensured equitable and widespread access to education.

Justice and equitable access to education are one of the key elements in addressing the issues and challenges facing the education sector in Indonesia. Therefore, with this, it is not impossible to further develop the potential of young people in a much more optimal way.

Currently, it remains a problem in Indonesia regarding educational services, which experience disparities such as extreme differences among graduates. For example, at the elementary school level, the graduation rate reaches up to 93 percent, but there is a decline at the high school level, where only 86.7 percent of students successfully graduate.

The role of educators in providing education, development, and training to foster the potential of young people has become very important. Moreover, educational centers should not only rely on educators but also consider how active the youth are.

The realization of learning diversification is also an equally important aspect that must continue to occur. Therefore, the orientation of education should not be rigidly focused solely on various initial targets.

The reason is that the concept of drilling or rigidly focusing on targets is completely at odds with the concept of the Independent School that has also been promoted by the government. Like in developed countries, their education system provides space for young people to have a Higher Order Level of Thinking. (HOTS).

The realization of the government’s flagship strategic program through the initiation of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN), namely the Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN), clearly helps all young people from various regions in Indonesia to access higher education in a very equitable and affordable manner, while also maintaining high quality.
The existence of equitable and high-quality access to higher education is a concrete solution from the government to address this issue in Indonesia. Therefore, the initiation by General Police (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan to realize the National Defense Academy deserves full support and high appreciation.

The development of AMN itself is a concrete step by the government in an effort to realize a strong commitment to building quality young human resources in Indonesia.

Moreover, through the numerous modern and adequate facilities in the dormitory building, students from various corners of the country can access quality higher education.

Not only that, the existence of the Nusantara Student Dormitory also creates a learning environment for young people in an inclusive manner while promoting the cultural diversity from various backgrounds.

The Governor of North Sulawesi Province (Sulut) through the Provincial Secretary (Sekdaprov) of Sulut, Steve HA Kepel, stated that education is essentially the responsibility of all parties.

Therefore, it is very important to continue to jointly oversee the success of the implementation of these strategic flagship programs of the government, as AMN is not merely a place to live or a dormitory, but also serves as a social, intellectual, and entrepreneurial laboratory for young people.

The purpose of the Nusantara Student Dormitory development is not merely to produce young people who excel academically, but also to serve as a milestone in the success of the educational journey in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Director of Strategic Infrastructure of the Directorate General of Human Settlements at the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Ir. Essy Asiah, stated that the existence of AMN can serve as a platform to unite students from various ethnic groups, languages, cultures, and religions from diverse regions in Indonesia and from different universities.

The building is a direct directive from President Joko Widodo to the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) aimed at preparing high-quality human resources (HR) with integrity and a strong national character.

The accessibility of higher education for everyone is now becoming more equitable, allowing young people from various corners of the country to enjoy it. Certainly, all of this is thanks to the flagship strategic program initiated by BIN, namely the Nusantara Student Dormitory. (AMN).

Student Activist / Contributor to Manado Topics

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