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The Dynamics of Radicalism and Character Education in Indonesia


radikalismeBy: Moch Irfandi)*

Radicalism is a class ideology that intends  renewal for a better life, but in a negative way. This ideology justifies any means. Upsettingly, since the last few years radicalism has entered the world of education and invades the young generation. Many radical movements smuggle its doctrine and expand its networks through the campus and school. The students who are still in the process of searching identity and learning about the stages of many things become the most strategic target to strengthen the radicalism movement. This is because the radical assumes that the youth has strategic position and relatively autonomous, so it can be used as the most appropriate agent and easy to spread the radical ideologies.

As the prevention efforts, we do not have to prepare a new curriculum or create new subjects at the level of secondary education and the university, but rather strengthens mental development through character education. Character education is meant to increase national awareness. Starting from the family, schools and colleges to familiarize the young generation to be friendly against the change and respect for others.

Character education can be presented along with the involvement of aspects of knowledge, feelings, and actions. Aspects of the knowledge is needed to provide sufficient understanding of the dangers of radicalism and what benefits when away from it. Through character education, the youth can also be given in-depth explanation about the life of peace, tolerance, and mutual respect to foster an attitude of sympathy and empathy. The goal is to familiarize the young generation to think objectively in view differences. By being objective, it is expected that the younger generation can be more tolerant and respectful when in the middle of a diverse society. The younger generation is also projected to spread into the wider community, the importance of maintaining harmony among Indonesia’s diverse society. The proposed Independent movement of self-consciousness, if it is implemented on an ongoing basis will provide its own emotional side that encourage young people to continue to love Indonesia and ignoring the traffic of radicalism which is lurking around them.

As we know that the high academic achievement of a person would be useless if it does not have good emotional intelligence. With character education, the younger generation is expected to be spared from the influence of radicalism and play an active role in building the nation and the State. Character education is also expected to create harmony, unity amongst the diversity of race, ethnicity, and religion in Indonesia. (anz)

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