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Will Go to Malaysia as TKI, 16 People from NTB Arrested by the Police

Post Border Crossing in West Kalimantan Province.

By Choirul)*

CIDISS – Many people work as Indonesian Migrant Workers in Abroad. Economic reasons and large of salaries are the reasons for people who choose to work as migrant workers. Malaysia is one of the countries that often become destination for work as Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI).

Success stories from migrant workers in abroad become an attraction for some residents to follow to work as TKI. However, In contrast, there are also stories that occur from the start of the journey, documents and also various cases often occur.

Often encountered cases of illegal migrant workers either already in Malaysia or who will leave and be arrested at the Border Post. Recently, there are 16 people of Indonesia from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) successfully arrested by West Kalimantan Police. 16 prospective of illegal migrant workers (TKI) are planning to go to Sarawak, Malaysia, but successfully arrested by the police when passing Trans Kalimantan Road, before the Bridge Kapuas II, Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya, on Tuesday (8/8) around at 22:30 WIB.

The prospective of migrant workers boarded by three mini bus units consisting of 12 adult males, two adult women and two boys or underage. The group of illegal migrant workers was immediately taken to West Kalimantan Police Headquarters.

From the results of the investigation, 16 prospective labor migrants are promised to work in oil palm plantations. Only nine people already have passports, while the remaining seven people will make passports in Entikong.

Dir Reskrimum Polda Kalbar, Pol Kombes Asep Safrudin said that the victims were asked to deposit money for transportation and passport. “The victim was also asked to deposit IDR 2 million to IDR 5 million for transportation and passport,” explain Kombes Pol Asep.

From the results of the investigation of the suspect, Muhammad Wildan Rosidi has a network both in Malaysia and West Kalimantan and has been in action for five years and has several times to send this illegal workforce. “The suspect mode, recruiting people in the area with high salary,” said Kombes Pol Asep.

The suspect, Muhammad Wildan Rosidi will sentence by the article 4, article 10 paragraphs 1 of Law No. 39 of 2004 on the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers. Then he also sentenced by the Article 2 paragraph 1, Article 4 and Article 10 of Law Number 21 of 2007 on the Criminal Code of Trafficking in Persons, while the victims will be returned to their home areas.

One of the prospective labor migrants, Zaini Arifin said that he and his colleagues were promised to work in oil palm plantations in Malaysia.

According to him, he and his partner are required to pay transportation fee and partly used to process administration equipment and documents of migrant workers after arriving in Malaysia. “One person, there should pay for IDR 3, 7 million, or IDR 5 million and also there is IDR 1, 5 million. Those who pay IDR 1, 5 million, will be cut salaries, “said Zaini in shelter Dinsos Kalbar.

)* The author is CIDISS Contributor

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