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Indonesia Agree to Improve Bilateral Ties with Sudan

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.
Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.

Indonesian Deputy Foreign Minister A.M. Fachir held a bilateral consultation meeting with his Sudanese counterpart, Obiedalla Mohamed Obiedalla Hamdan, on Monday as part of efforts to strengthen relations between the two countries.

“I am delighted to have held a bilateral consultation with the Sudanese deputy foreign minister,” Fachir said at the Pancasila Building on the premises of the Foreign Ministry as quoted by Antara News.

At the meeting, the two deputy foreign ministers discussed a variety of issues related to cooperation between the two nations in the political, economic, trade, social, and cultural spheres.

Both sides affirmed that the longstanding bilateral relations were evidence of the important shared history between the two nations, he said.

“Syeikh Ahmed Surkati, a grand ulema of Sudan and Founder of Al-Irsyad Foundation, engaged in Islamic education and propagation and played a significant role in reforming Islamic beliefs to help them take hold in Indonesia by accelerating the Indonesian independence movement,” he remarked.

In the economic arena, both countries agreed to boost bilateral trade by urging business agents to explore further options and identify commodities for import and export that are needed by both countries, he explained.

At the meeting, they also discussed issues of mutual concern, including Palestinian independence and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which does not reflect Islamic values.

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