By: Rashka Pratama )*
In the development of the Covid - 19 case some time back, the thought arose that it seemed necessary to be more realistic and reconcile, with Corona in the new…
By: Alfisyah Kumalasari )*
The opening of the new normal era is sometimes still mocked by some people and they feel forced to make peace with Corona. Even if everyone stays hiding at…
By: Rashka Pratama
The start of new normal will make employees return to work in the office gradually after several months of working from home. To stay safe and avoid Corona virus in…
By : Rashka Pratama
The government has appealed that the public be prepared for the new normal alias living "side by side" with COVID-19 while undergoing activities as usual. However,…
By : Rashka Pratama
World Health Organization (WHO) released a report related to the condition of Covid-19 every country in the world. One of them is Indonesia. In the WHO Indonesia…
By: Reza Pahlevi )*
The Covid-19 pandemic is still taking place in many regions of Indonesia that have not yet implemented new normal. Nevertheless, the public is optimistic that…
By: Alfisyah Kumalasari )*
Hoax is information that is not true but is made as true as it is so that it is trusted by the person who receives it. Ahead of New Normal, apparently the…
By: Alfisyah Kumalasari )*
The best steps are always pursued by the government, even though there is a New Normal agenda to be implemented, the implementation of the PSBB will not be…
By: Akbar Rasyid (National University Journalism Science Student)
The new normalcy, aka normal, will begin to be implemented in several areas that are proven to be safe from Covid-19.…
By: Panca Setiawan (Coordinator of the Semarang Regional Independent Social Media Activists Forum)
Seeing the facts in the field, it's time for life to continue like normal. Like it or…