By: Raavi Ramadhan )*
Pademi covid-19 brought victims to some people, because they had to be laid off. The company they took shelter in was losing money, so all employees had to be laid…
By: Dani Ahmad )*
The Covid-19 pandemic is considered to have raised unemployment in Indonesia. Some parties also consider the Work Cipta Bill to be immediately passed into law because…
By :
Rashka Pratama )*
The policy issued by the Government is the time
to touch people's desires. This desire is based on the mandate of the 1945
Constitution in which Indonesian…
Reza Setiawan
Craftsmen or better known as Small and Medium Enterprises
(UMKM) are demanded to be more innovative in marketing their business products.
This sector is very effective…
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS, Central Kalimantan – Unemployment is a problem in every region. It is caused by the job seeker number is higher than job vacancy. It makes the number of…
By Choirul Fuadi
Unemployment is one of the problems that are faced by government. The unemployment is not only coming from high school background but also from graduated or universities.…
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – One of social problem in Indonesia is unemployment. In another side, the need of worker also increase and then many people chose work as contract labor or…
By: M. Dinata *)
Around 126,000 additional jobs opened by employers in the United States, in March 2015. This is the lowest gain in last 12 months, when employers usually opened over…