Government Successfully Reforests Land in the Capital of the Archipelago
By: Andi Mahesa )*
One of the major steps being taken by the Indonesian government is the development of the Indonesian Capital City (IKN) in East Kalimantan. However, IKN is not just a new city development project, but also a big vision to create an environmentally friendly city. In this effort, reforestation or replanting trees on critical land is a very important policy. The government has also shown its commitment to realizing IKN as a green and sustainable area with various reforestation initiatives that have been implemented.
The Head of the Indonesian Capital City Authority (OIKN), Basuki Hadimuljono, said that reforestation activities in IKN have been ongoing since 2022, with full support from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK). The government has prepared between 15 and 25 million tree seedlings to replant critical and damaged forest areas in IKN. This shows the government’s seriousness in preserving nature and realizing IKN as an environmentally friendly city.
For information, around 65% of the IKN area, which covers more than 250,000 hectares, is planned to be used as a protected tropical forest area. This is a big step that not only has an impact on ecosystem preservation, but also provides long-term benefits for community welfare.
Meanwhile, the Director of Forestry and Water Resources Utilization Development of OIKN, Pungky Widiaryanto, said that this ambitious achievement requires cross-sector collaboration. The government does not work alone in realizing this target, but invites various parties, both from the public and private sectors, to actively participate in reforestation efforts.
One form of participation that is expected is through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program run by several companies, such as PT Pama Persada Nusantara, Danone Indonesia, and Komatsu Indonesia, have joined as OIKN partners to support reforestation through their CSR funds. In addition, several other companies engaged in the forestry and energy sectors, such as PT Multi Harapan Utama and TIS Petroleum, also play an active role in the rehabilitation of the River Basin Area (DAS), which is an integral part of this reforestation program.
This collaborative approach is very important, considering that reforestation is a major effort that requires support and contribution from all groups. In addition, this activity also creates opportunities for the private sector to play a role in maintaining the sustainability of nature while fulfilling their obligations towards environmental rehabilitation.
The government’s efforts in reforesting the IKN area also involve the academic world, represented by seven state universities in Indonesia. Deputy for Development Control of the OIKN, Thomas Umbu Pati Tena Bolodadi, said that universities have an important role in supporting the success of reforestation in the core area of the IKN government center. This area was previously an industrial plantation forest (HTI), which is now being restored into a natural tropical forest. By involving universities, the government hopes to develop various scientific solutions based on research and technology to increase the effectiveness of reforestation.
The success of this reforestation effort is highly dependent on scientific research and development that can provide the best solutions in selecting the right types of plants, efficient planting methods, and monitoring the sustainability of forest ecosystems. This collaboration is not only beneficial for the environment, but also has a positive impact on education and the development of science in Indonesia.
This reforestation effort is not only for the sake of the environment. By planting diverse trees and preserving forests, the IKN will have many ecological and social benefits. Well-maintained tropical forests can improve air quality, reduce carbon emissions, and maintain the availability of clean water in the area. In addition, by making most of the IKN area a protected forest, the government also protects various species of flora and fauna, thereby supporting biodiversity conservation efforts.
Socially, the existence of extensive tropical forests can also open up opportunities for surrounding communities to participate in forest management programs, be it in the fields of ecotourism, research, or training related to sustainable natural resource management. This will create new sustainable jobs, as well as improve the welfare of the community around the IKN.
Although the government has shown a strong commitment to implementing land reforestation in the IKN, this achievement will not be realized without the full support of the community and various parties. Therefore, it is very important for us as part of the Indonesian nation to support this effort.. We can all contribute to maintaining environmental sustainability by supporting government policies, getting involved in various reforestation initiatives, or at least playing an active role in preserving the nature around us.
Land reforestation in the IKN is a concrete step that shows that development does not have to sacrifice environmental sustainability. On the contrary, sustainable development can be a solution to advance Indonesia while keeping our earth green and sustainable. With a spirit of collaboration and shared awareness, we can ensure that the IKN Nusantara becomes a model of a green and environmentally friendly city that all Indonesian people can be proud of.
)* The author is a student living in Jakarta.