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Nusantara Student Dormitory Produces Future Leaders from Indonesia’s Diversity


Manado – The Nusantara Student Dormitory or AMN is present as a strategic government program which aims to unite diversity and develop the potential of the nation’s next generation of young people who come from various regions and remote corners of Indonesia.

This program not only provides shared housing, but also facilitates the development of the potential of the younger generation, both academic and non-academic students.

AMN was first built in Surabaya and is now being built in Manado City. The construction of the dormitory also received support from the university and the local Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI).

Sam Ratulangi University (Unsrat) Manado fully supports the AMN program. William Pangemanan, Karo Academic Unsrat, stated that his party was committed to participating in the management of AMN, including providing guidance to its residents.

“The plan, added William, is that AMN residents will use the mandatory curriculum to be completed within a period of 2 years or the equivalent of 4 semesters,” said William

Apart from that, as a form of concrete support, Unsrat provides tens of hectares of land for developing the skills of AMN students, so that it is hoped that they can maximize the potential and hidden talents of the students.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chair of the North Sulawesi National Youth Committee (KNPI) for Education, Research and Technology, Doni B. Utina, emphasized the importance of young human resources (HR) in social and state life.

“However, to achieve this goal, the right platform is needed for young human resources so that they can better optimize their potential, this is realized through the development of AMN Manado,” he said.

He explained that the government initiated the construction of AMN Manado as a form of response to a concrete solution to the problem of affordability of higher education for all students, even from various regions in Indonesia.

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