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The Fort of Pancasila Islamic Boarding School Prevents Radicalism


By: Alif Fikri)*

Radicalism must be eradicated by all levels of society without exception, including the santri. Pesantren can be a stronghold to prevent radicalism because the santri and ustad explain that religious observance is not synonymous with radicalism.

During a pandemic, another thing that is dangerous other than the Covid-19 virus is radicalism. The reason is because to overcome the impact of the pandemic, we must work together. Meanwhile, if there is radicalism, it will break the unity of the nation. Therefore, all Indonesian citizens (WNI) are obliged to fight radicalism, including those in Islamic boarding schools.

Deputy Regent of Boyolali Wahyu Irawan stated that his arrival among the students was to explain what radicalism is, because that understanding has entered via technology (via social media). It is hoped that after the meeting, the students will understand the true meaning of radicalism and its dangers, so that they will not be dragged into this dangerous understanding.

The students are obliged to understand the meaning of radicalism because the pesantren should not be damaged by this understanding. As a place of education, pesantren are required to support all government programs, including eradicating radicalism.

The students also have to understand that radicalism already exists on social media, so they should not carelessly follow accounts on Instagram. However, they must be careful not to be influenced by the invitation to jihad via social media. If someone shares hoax news about radicalism and terrorism, they must immediately report it to the cyber police.

The way to eradicate radicalism is to teach Pancasila and its points. If Pancasila is implemented, radicalism is impossible, because all the santri and their kiai understand justice and unity.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Forum for Religious Harmony, Habib Masturi, stated that pesantren should be a place for national harmony and unity. The reference is al insyirah, which is about humanity.

In a sense, in pesantren, various things must be taught, not only reading the yellow book, reciting and memorizing verses, or understanding the science of mantiq. But also must be taught ways of tolerance and good society. The reason is that we live in a pluralist and diverse country, not in a monarchical country.

The students were able to prevent radicalism because the clerics and clerics taught how to get along well in society. The trick is to be tolerant, because we live in the midst of people who are multi-ethnic and have different beliefs. Tolerance is the key because if everyone understands each other, they will live in peace.

Islamic boarding schools are expected to be a fortress to prevent radicalism by teaching tolerance and tolerance. For example, by telling stories of Walisongo during the teaching and learning process. The walisongo preach gently without demeaning other people. Even Sunan Kalijogo preached with art so that it was easy to approach the community. It was an example of enviable tolerance.

If the students already understand the meaning of tolerance, then when they graduate and become young clerics, they will not be easily influenced by radical groups. The reason is because they understand that understanding is dangerous, both for themselves and for the integrity of the nation.

The students who become young clerics will preach and try to eradicate radicalism with cool and heartwarming lectures. They teach tolerance to the community, and people who are obedient to worship are also obliged to respect others, even though they have different beliefs.

Pesantren becomes a strong fortress by preventing radicalism, and one way to do that is by teaching Pancasila. In addition, the students must also be taught about tolerance so that they can get along with flexibility in society, as well as give lectures about the dangers of radicalism.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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